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My eyes dart around the classroom. From a random poster to Ms. Howard to the back of some kids' head back to Ms. Howard. I think you get the point. No matter how much I tried distracting my attention from her, the more intriguing she seemed.

I went nearly 2 weeks of avoiding her. Albeit, I was extremely lonely during those times but the dream still bothered me. And now here she was. In my classroom, all because Mrs. Evans decided not to come to work and the school was too lazy to call a substitute. She kept her eyes on her computer as she worked on her own things.

"You stare any harder and she'll melt" I hear beside me. I frown and glance at Jasmine in annoyance. "I'm not staring at anyone, I was just thinking" I lie. She smiles, seeing right through me. I hated how well she knew me. During the past two weeks, I felt like she knew me a bit better than I knew myself.

Her brown eyes land on Kathryn with a smile. "She does look really good today" she compliments before her eyes land on me teasingly. I can only roll mine as I force myself to continue working. It doesn't last very long as my eyes once again trail from my work and to the beautiful brunette at the desk.

This time, her eyes were already on me. It takes me off guard as I quickly glance away in embarrassment before glancing back at the woman. She offers a soft smile before her eyes land on her computer once again. What... what was that?

"The longer you stare the longer you won't get your work done. Were you listening at the beginning of class? Even though Mrs. Evans isn't here she expects all worksheets in by the end of class, no excuses."

"Shut up, I'm practically done" I lie. I glance down at my paper. I hadn't even gotten past my name. Oops. I once again try to work.

My ears perk at the sound of the door opening. I glance over, spotting Mr. Rossen entering the classroom, causing my face to fall. This was the part I hated about avoiding Kathryn. I always saw this guy around. No matter what, he always managed to be by her side. And quite frankly it was beyond annoying.

The man entered the classroom and made his way towards the beauty. They spoke silently causing other students - myself included, to look at them weirdly. "Are they together?" one student questioned as Mr. Rossen's smile widened. I could slightly feel my blood boil. What were they talking about.

The man moves slightly, allowing me to see the smile on Kathryn's lips. I frown. "They kind of make a cute couple" another student commented. Not once does Kathryn's eyes fall on me as she talks to this creep.

He stands and offers one last smile, "I'll see you in a bit then."

As soon as he left, the bell rang, dismissing majority of us to lunch or home. Students leave their work on the desk, to which Ms. Howard begins collecting. Everyone is eventually out of the classroom except for myself. I make my way towards the woman who began gathering her things. "May I help you Ms. Kings?"

Her chestnut eyes meet mine. I wanted to ask her about the encounter the entire class just witnessed. But did I even have a right? I open my mouth, only to be cut off by the sound of a knock at the door. I groan and turn spotting the same annoying man from earlier. "You ready?"

His eyes land on me in question. I bit down on my tongue to stop myself from doing something dumb. I set my worksheet on the desk and head to the cafeteria to meet up with my friends. I deserved this treatment, I avoided her for nearly 2 weeks.

- - - - -

"What's up with you?" Duke questions for the second time this day. I shake my head, gaining the eyes of Edwin and Jasmine as well. "You been really quiet these past few weeks, are you sure you're good? Is there something you need to get off your chest?" Edwin spits.

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