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I smile as I enter Kathryn's apartment, unannounced. Spring break was finally here, which meant Kathryn and I were going to Lake Whitney as we had planned weeks ago. I bite my lip as I step into her bedroom to find her in bed on her laptop. Her chestnut eyes meet mine and she quickly shuts her laptop. 

"I'm starting to think giving you a key was a bad idea," the woman frowns as she sets the laptop down on the nightstand. I frown and kick off my shoes before jumping into her bed. "Bad idea? Do you not love seeing this face every day?" I tease as I plant my lips to hers.

I pull away a bit startled by the taste of her lips. I lick my own as I glance at her, "You taste weird. What did you eat before I got here?"

I watch the woman's adams apple bob as she swallows. "I haven't eaten yet actually. What are you doing here exactly? I didn't know you were coming over."

My lips curl upwards, remembering what I had come over for. I move my head from side to side, "We are going to Lake Whitney tomorrow" I sing happily. Kathryn's brows raise as if this was the first time I had brought it up. My brows knit together, "You remember right? We planned this in January."

Realization settles on her features before she looks at me apologetically. My smile drops. "You made other plans?"

"Not really. I guess it slipped my mind, the school wants me to teach for spring break. For seniors and juniors who need their required credits in order to graduate. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

Sighing, I nod my head. I couldn't be mad because she had a job. I was mad at the job for stealing away her life but it wasn't something I could do anything about. I just had to accept it and move on. I lean back onto the headboard, my eyes landing on Kathryn's opened closet door. 

Suddenly the ringing of her phone grabs both of our attention. Kathryn throws a side glance at her phone before ignoring it. I knit my brows together before leaning over to see who it was she was ignoring. However, a hand comes into view. I raise my brows in shock as Kathryn pulls her phone away from my eyes. 

I eye my girlfriend. She keeps her eyes ahead, not daring to look at me. I cock my head to the side as I stare at the woman. What was she hiding? I bite on my lip and turn completely towards the woman. "Kathryn" I mumble. She hums but doesn't bother to glance at me.

A few minutes pass by and the woman tries to get out of bed but I grab her wrist. "What is it you're not telling me?" I question, keeping her in her spot.

The woman smiles, her eyes finally meeting mine. And unlike the past few months, I could see nothing but fear. I furrow my brows as I just stare at her. I knew her fear wasn't towards me, I wouldn't dare lay a hand on her. The brunette swallows loudly, "I would like to eat."

I search her eyes a bit longer before letting her go. I remain in bed for a few seconds longer, wondering what could've caused her this much fear. 


I feel my anger rise at the thought of the man. We hadn't seen him since Christmas but that didn't mean he wasn't still out there lurking, watching our every move. But I doubt he would've made a move without me noticing. Kathryn and I are together majority of the time, minus school. I shake my head, he's not allowed on campus.

Rai wouldn't be able to get within 50 feet of Kathryn without me noticing. So what was she scared about?

My face falls at all the possibilities. Was she cheating on me? I mean, that would explain why she hid her phone from me. My eyes move across the bed, in search of her phone only to be disappointed when I don't see it. 

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