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I made it home around 6. Edwin was being so damn difficult and wouldn't let me leave for a long ass time.

I made my break for it when his mom needed help with something. 

Once inside I kick my shoes off and head towards my room for a shower. Today has been an incredibly long day. Not to mention it's Monday.

I hate Mondays. After a good 20 minutes I was out the shower and dressed in short shorts and my favorite Mickey Mouse shirt.

Grabbing a water from the fridge, I sit on my couch and turn on the TV. Scrolling through the channels I sigh, seeing there was nothing on I wanted to watch.

I turn off the TV and decide maybe just maybe my phone would keep me busy.

However scrolling through my social media only left me even more bored than before.

Suddenly my attention is away from my phone as I hear a knock on my door and sigh, not really feeling like having company. 

It's Monday for fucks sake. Don't people have better things to do. However, I stand from my couch and make my way over to the door, opening it. 

I really need to start checking the peephole first. My eyes widen at the sight of Ms. Howard standing shyly at my door.

She was still wearing her white plaid shirt tucked into her black pencil skirt. I gawk at the beauty in front of me, wondering what I did to be graced by such a sigh.

She fiddles with her thumbs before glancing up at me in embarrassment. "Uh, this is stupid. I'm sorry to bother you" she mumbles and begins making her way next door.

Without much thought I grab the woman's wrists, "It's fine. My offer still stands if you would like to talk" I smile.

Ignoring the fire burning in my fingers from touching her skin, I look up at her through my eyelashes.

Her brown eyes stare at me as a smile graces my eyes and she nods her head. I let her in. "Would you like something to drink? I've got water and wine."

The brunette glances at me disapproving the latter of my offer. "I can't take alcohol from an underage girl" she replies.

Water it is. I crack a smile, "You sure? I've got Merlot" I offer once again gaining a scowl.

I throw my hands up to surrender as I go into my kitchen to grab her a water. I watch her look all around my apartment before sitting on my couch.

I can't help but to feel a bit uncomfortable. I wasn't a student of hers at school, so I didn't exactly know her. I hand her the water and take a seat on the other end of the couch.

I tuck my leg under me and give her my undivided attention. "So, what's going on in that head of yours?" I question.

Her eyes finally land on me, taking in my appearance before letting out a loud sigh.

She takes a moment, probably thinking over this idea of confiding in a student. "I'm fighting with my boyfriend," she rolls her eyes, "wondering if I can even call him that anymore."

I nod my head, taking in this new information. Ms. Howard is a beautiful woman, so it doesn't shock me that she's in a relationship.

What does shock me is that she's having doubt. 

"I caught him cheating on me last week when Emily and I were at the market. And I know it was him but I don't want to accept it.

He keeps telling me I'm being paranoid and he'd never do that to me, but I saw what I saw."

"What did you see?" I question. Her eyes glance up from her shaking fingers and land on mine.

I notice how water they get as she remembers the incident. She blinks and glances away again. 

"I saw him kiss someone else. They were outside the market window and I saw him kiss someone else."

I nod my head. More than likely it was him. Some men are pretty trashy.

Always treating the best ones like they mean nothing and then lying that they could never do something like that. 

"We've been together for nearly 5 years and I should trust him, I really should but I just," she wipes her tears away, "I can't. I can't act like I didn't see it because I know I did."

I scoot closer to the woman, my hand laying on her knee. Her eyes land on my hand, but I don't remove it. 

"Trust your gut. More than likely he probably cheated not knowing he's got the bomb shell of a girlfriend right here.

I'm not saying break up with him but try to work past it, sometimes people cheat not realizing what they have in front of them until it's too late."

She laughs lightly, "You remind me a bit of my friend." I frown in response. 

I watch her wipe her tears away. Suddenly I get the reminder that I'm not one of her students. "My name's Casey by the way." The sudden revelation causes her to laugh and nod her head. 

"And I'm Kathryn. Since we're neighbors I think we can have a first name basis. But only outside of school."

I nod my head feeling something in the pit of my stomach. I remember my hand on her knee and remove it, awkwardly tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Before any awkward silence could settle in I speak up. 

"Oh, uh, If you want to talk I'm always available. Well kind of. If you knock and I answer I'm available. I'm all ears if you need me."

Kathryn nods her head. "Same to you" she offers. I eye the older woman. A question pops into my head and without much thought I ask it. 

"Is Mrs. Evans married to a man or woman?" 

I was always curious. Mrs. Evans acts gay sometimes but then again, she could just be a little tomboy and married to a man.

"She's married to a woman" Kathryn smiles oddly. I guess the question startled her a bit. 

"Really? How long have they been together?" I question a little curious about my English teacher. She was one of my favorite teachers during high school.

Not that I was a student who tried to talk to her on a daily basis, because I'm socially awkward sometimes.

"They've been together since they were 14 and got married at 18 so, about 6 or 7 years" the woman answers. 

I add up the math, meaning Mrs. Evans was around 24 or 25 years old. She's so young. My eyes meet with Kathryn's, my heart beat pounding against my chest as I glance at her lips.

"Well, thank you so much for talking with me" Kathryn smiles as she stands. I stand as well, escorting her to the door.

She stood outside my apartment door as I leaned on my door frame eyeing her with a smile. "Anytime. Make it home safe" I say joking at the last part. 

The woman giggles. I smile to myself watching her cheeks grow in size while she giggles. She's so pretty. "I'll see you later then? Good night Casey."

"Good night Kathryn" I say causing her to blush from the use of her first name. I watch her walk three steps over to her door and enter her own apartment.

I have a strong feeling we'll be amazing friends. 

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