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"I'm not ready for you to leave me. This will be the first holiday without you" Emily groaned as she placed my clothes into the suitcase. I nod my head with a small pout. I wasn't exactly ecstatic to head back home either. I wasn't on the best terms with my parents. "I'm going to miss you" Emily cried as she hugged me tightly. 

I chuckle and push her away, "It's only a week. I'm sure I'll be back to celebrate New years with you guys. No promises though."

The blonde nods her head. "So are you going to tell me where you got that hickey?" she pokes my chest. I regret wearing a v-neck shirt now. I groan and roll my eyes remembering the encounter I had yesterday with Casey. I still hadn't heard from her so I was sure she hadn't reached her destination yet. 

"It's from Casey" I admit. Emily rolls her eyes, "Well duh. I was hoping for more details." 

Of course she was. But was I ready to tell my best friend I had in fact let her student finger me yesterday? The more I overthought it, the more disappointed I felt in myself. "She fingered me" I spit as I continue to fold my clothes. I don't dare glance at my best friend as silence sets in around us. There was nothing more to say. I just hoped she wouldn't make this any more awkward for me than it already was. 

We continue packing. It's when we move to the restroom when she speaks up. "How was it?" she questions causing me to eye her, hard. She laughs and raises her hands, "It's only fair. I told you about my first time with Sophia."

I groan, knowing she had a point. Plus, I was dying to tell her. I bite on my cheek, "Amazing. But it only lasted for 10 minutes then she had to leave. I'm so sexually frustrated it's killing me but she's not even here."

Emily smiles proudly and nudges my shoulder. "My best friend has crossed the line."

"Oh shut up!" I laugh as I push her lightly. Before our conversation could continue my phone rang, scaring both of us. I chuckle before exiting my restroom and grabbing my phone from the bed. I frown at the unknown number but answer anyway. 


"Hey, Kathryn" Casey's groggy voice is heard. Immediately the sound of her voice causes me to smile widely. I had no idea I was missing her this much. It hadn't even been 24 hours. "Sorry I didn't call you. We made a detour because Duke thinks he knows everything and then I fell asleep."

"It's fine. How are you?" I could hear the girl yawn, "Better now that I got to hear your voice, what are you doing?" Emily raises her brows, silently asking who was on the phone. I turn away from her, ignoring her, knowing if I told her it was Casey she would tease me. "Nothing, just packing."

"Packing? Are you going somewhere?" 

"Yeah, I'm going to visit my family this year."

Before she could continue the conversation, I could hear her name being called. I frown, not wanting to part from her soothing voice. I hear her sigh before giving me her attention once again. "I've got to go. We're about to go eat. I'll call you tonight." 

"Yeah, of course," I say trying not to let my annoyance be heard. Before Casey ended the line a line slips out of my mouth that I regret saying. I instantly feel awkward when she doesn't reply and hangs up instead. I groan and throw my phone on my bed before shoving my head into the bed. 

I hear the bed shift, meaning Emily was now on side of me. "Did you just tell Casey you love her?"

I shut my eyes, "Shut up! She's going to avoid me now. I'm such an idiot" I groan. The blonde laughs causing me to glance up at her to see what was so funny. Did she think my misery was hilarious? Because it absolutely was not! "It just felt natural to say. God, I hate myself sometimes."

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