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My head bops lightly to the music playing in my ears as I keep my eyes on Mrs. Evans and Ms. Howard. The two were talking during class hours as if they couldn't wait til lunch. My eyes trail from Ms. Howard's, rosy lips to her neck and down to the light exposure of cleavage. I smirk and bite my lip. She was teasing me today. And honestly, I didn't mind.

I remove my earbuds from my ears and shove them into my jacket pocket, not really caring much to turn the song off. Grabbing my notebook, I stand and head towards Mrs. Evans desk. The students in the class continue with their work, not bothered to look up and be nosy. For once, they were maturing.

"Uh, Mrs. Evans, I'm done with my work" I state, allowing my presence to be known. From my peripheral, I can see Kathryn's head snap my way. I ignore her as I hand Mrs. Evans my notebook in order to check over the work. Slightly and a little stealthy I scoot over. My hand brushes Ms. Howard's leg. Immediately I can see her tense on side of me which causes me to smile. I liked teasing her.

Mrs. Evans hands me my notebook with a smile, "As always Casey, everything is done correctly. You do as you please for the rest of class."

"Whatever I please?" I question causing the woman to raise her brow in confusion. I chuckle and wave my hand in front of my face, "Ah sorry, I forgot teachers can't have sexual intercourse with students" I whisper. I glance at Ms. Howard, who I knew heard my comment because it was directed towards her. Luckily I wasn't loud enough for Mrs. Evans to hear. Kathryn eyes me cautiously as if asking 'what the hell I'm doing?'

I ignore her gaze and walk back to my seat. Ever since Friday, I've been aimlessly trying to see if Kathryn really wanted to kiss me. Or if it was just a spur of the moment that night. During school, she just eyes me awkwardly and in the apartments she tries her hardest to ignore my advances. I take my seat my eyes linger on Kathryn a tad bit longer.

Oddly enough, I wanted all of her attention. Scoffing at myself I plug my earphones back into my ears and put my head down. I needed to get over that night. But honestly, how could I? I had one of the most attractive women come so close to kissing me before her boyfriend had to ruin it. No matter how much I tried telling myself I didn't like Kathryn, the more the attraction grew.

It was starting to become a problem. I was spacing out in classes. And if I'd see her in the hallways, she would have all my attention. Pathetic, isn't it?

I sigh and close my eyes allowing the music to invade my thoughts.

Take me to the rooftop

I wanna see the world when I stop breathing

Turning blue

Tell me Love is Endless

Why am I listening to this? Without much care, I allow my body to relax. All worries flowing out my pores and away from my body as I fall asleep.

There's a harsh tap on my shoulder, jolting me awake. I jump out my seat, my eyes landing on Kathryn. I quickly pull out one of my earbuds in confusion. "It's lunch time." I glance around, noticing there were no students in the classroom. Mrs. Evans was nowhere to be seen either. I yawn into my fist and rub my eyes tiredly. Kathryn doesn't move.

My eyes land on her once again, "How long was I sleep?" I question with a yawn again.

"About 45 minutes. Your girlfriend tried waking you up but you wouldn't budge."

I furrow my brows. Girlfriend? Who the hell- oh. "You mean Jasmine? She's not my girlfriend" I spit dismissing anything else she had said. Kathryn shrugs her shoulders as if the information had no affect on her. I lean back into my seat and watch her silently. Something was definitely up with her. Maybe it was about Thomas. "Are you okay, Kathryn?" I question reaching for her hand.

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