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I frown as I enter the school building. Staring down at my phone, I reread the text I had received from Emily. I pout and send her a text, letting her know I didn't appreciate her absence before heading towards the office. "Good morning Ms. Howard" the secretary smiles, noticing I had just entered. 

Her eyes glance behind me then back to me in confusion. "Are you alone today?" she questions. With a pout I nod my head. She offers a sad smile before handing the log in binder to me. Once I sign in, I walk towards my teacher mail box, grabbing the paperwork. 

My eyes fall on Casey as soon as she steps foot into the building. It's not that I was waiting to spot her, she just stands out more than any of the other students. With a smile, I continue heading towards my classroom. Unfortunately, Emily wasn't going to be here today, which left me alone for the whole day.

I let out a breath as I place my belonging on my desk. There's a knock on my door, grabbing my attention. Turning, I spot no other than Casey Kings. I eye her in confusion. "Hey" I smile towards the girl. She enters my classroom, looking around as she approaches my desk. "Good morning Ms. Howard" she says, sitting in my chair.

I shake my head at the girl as I begin setting up for my first class of the day. Casey leans back, watching as I did so. Her eyes travel the lengths of my room before meeting mine. "Is there something I need to know??" I question leaning on my desk. She shakes her head, her eyes tracing over my figure. 

"Aha." She's been acting more flirtatious ever since we lied about our relationship. Not even seconds later, the first bell of the day is heard. Casey stands from my chair and wipes herself down. "I guess I'll see you after school?"

"Oh, actually Mrs. Evans isn't here today, you'll probably see me during 4th period" I inform as I walk with her towards the door. Students begin filing into my classroom and taking their seats. Casey smiles causing me to subtly bite my lip. "Then I'll see you in 4th period. Bye" she waves before rushing down the hallway.

I watch the spot she was just in as I feel a blush settle on my cheeks. I let out a breath and close my eyes in order to regulate my pounding heart. Being around her is becoming slightly unbearable. 

- - - - -

"Where is Mrs. Evans?" Is the first thing that catches my ear as I walk into the classroom. I sigh and close the door behind me. "Mrs. Evans is out due to personal matters. For today I am in charge. My name is Miss Howard." A few students cheer rather loudly as other ignore my presence. Teenagers. I sigh and shake my head as I walk over to Emily's desk and take a seat. 

Emily had texted me prior to send me instructions about their work, which I know they may dislike me for. "I've been informed personally by Mrs. Evans that many of you have yet to complete an assignment which will be due by the end of the class. Those who fail to turn in so said assignment will be reported back to Mrs. Evans which may affect your grade." 

As expected many students groan in response. "Can't you let us off the hook, Miss?" a boy in the back questions. I ignore his question as I pull out my phone. "If I call your name I expect an assignment at the end of class with your name on it."

After I call out all named the kids do one of three things: actually try to finish the work, converse with their friends, or sleep. "Miss Howard, I don't have the assignment" a kid spits as he crosses his arm across his chest. I sigh as I take my seat. "That's your grade. As a senior you should be more responsible."

The boy frowns before he searches his back pack. Did he think I would fall for that one? As I get comfortable in the chair, my eyes fall on Casey. She was talking to Jasmine about something. The longer I stare the more anger I felt. Casey said something to the girl causing her to blush and lean closer into her.

I swallow the lump in my throat as I glance over the list Emily had sent, once again. I frown as I realize neither of their names were there. Something in me just wanted to pull Casey away from her, but in a room filled with horny teenagers, they might get the right thought. I didn't need that. I force myself to keep my eyes away from the two and instead focus on my own work.

Minutes pass by and I find myself immersed in their conversation. Watching carefully as Jasmine placed her hand on Casey's arm. I frown at the sight. "Miss Howard" I hear and turn my attention to one of the students. She sets her packet down on the desk and opens it to a specific page. "Are you good with English? I need help on this part."

"I'm not all to good at English, I'll get someone to help you" I lie. English was in fact my second favorite subject. 

"Miss Miller" I call out grabbing Jasmine's attention. She glances over to me in confusion. "May you help this young lady with her assignment?" She hesitates but agrees. Jasmine follows the girl to her desk and begins helping her out. I smile in victory as I glance over to Casey, surprised her eyes were already on me. 

My smile only widens as I wave her over. I watch the brown-skinned beauty stand from her chair and approach me. Pulling up a chair, Casey takes a seat beside me. "I feel like you snatched Jasmine away from me because you were jealous" she states. I feel my heart pound against my chest at her accusations. Unsurprisingly, she was right. 

I wave off her comment as we talk about any and everything. 

Between conversations, I allow myself to admire her, noticing things I hadn't before. For example the light freckle below her bottom lip. Her long eyelashes kissed her cheeks. During each conversation, I had to force my eyes away from her lips because I was tempted to kiss her each time.

"How are things with you and Thomas?" she questions changing the subject. I quickly look away from her lips before she can catch me staring. "Things are going" I say. I didn't exactly know how to describe my relationship with Thomas. Things were different. I didn't want to break up with him, because in every answer he gave me, I wanted to believe the words were true. 

Casey glances at me with a frown. "Are you ignoring him?" she questions looking down at my fidgeting fingers in my lap. I open and close my mouth a few times causing her to chuckle. I nod my head at her question. My heart skips a beat as I feel her hand rest on mine, my eyes meet hers. 

"You can't solve a problem in a relationship if you don't talk to him. The more you push him away, the more likely it is that he cheats, if he hasn't already."

I take her words to the heart as she offers a small smile. "When did you become such a love expert? Are you and Jasmine together or something?" I question. As soon as the words leave my lips a pang of jealousy settles in the pit of my heart. Casey scoffs, "No. I just know that if I were ever in a relationship, I'd want my partner to talk to me about their problems instead of pushing me away."


We continue talking. But not about Thomas. Up until the bell rings. Casey stands from the chair and I finally realize her hand had been on mine this whole time. I watch her as she walks back over to her desk, gathering her belongings. Her eyes land on me and she throws me a smile. 

Once she leaves the classroom I rest my head on the desk. I groan in annoyance. I definitely like her, no doubts about it. I seriously and honestly like Casey Kings. Fuck my life. 

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