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"What are you going to do about Thomas?" Emily questions as she applies her lipstick for what felt like the nth time. I shrug my shoulders. I was conflicted, I wanted to take Emily's advice and just end things but I wanted to take Casey's advice as well. "It's hard Em, we've been together for 5 years" I sigh.

The blonde eyes me, "And you had doubts earlier in the relationship as well. Just dump him, he's obviously not worth it."

"And who is Em? You dislike everyone I've ever had any potential with!"

"Because none of those guys will be on your level. You won't and can't accept the truth because you keep looking down on yourself. You deserve love just as much as anyone else." I roll my eyes and stand, gathering my trash from her desk. "You just dislike them because you want me to be gay like you."

Emily frowns as she eyes me, "You know that's not true." I shake my head and ignore her as I throw my trash away and head towards my own classroom. I was just going crazy. Thomas didn't cheat on me. He wouldn't and instead of my very own best friend trying to be on my side, she's just trying to get rid of him. 

I sigh and sit at my desk in thought. I hear voices outside my classroom and glance over, spotting Casey walking down the hallways with some girl. Suddenly, Thomas is not on my mind anymore. Instead it's the brown-skinned. My feet have a mind of their own as I walk towards the door. "Hey Casey" I utter.

She glances over her shoulder, her brown eyes piercing into my own causing me to smile at the attention. The girl looks between the two of us almost as if she were jealous. "Hey Ms. Howard" Casey spoke back causing my heart to ache. I wish she could call me Kathryn. I love the way she says my name. 

I look at her without saying anything. Probably making her feel uncomfortable. Kathryn stop staring!

"I'll see you later?" I question with raised brows. She nods her head and waves to me before walking away, my eyes following in suit. "What the hell did I just witness?" I hear and turn to spot a confused Emily Evans. I shrug my shoulders and walk into my classroom as if I had no idea what she was suggesting. 

"Don't shrug your shoulders! Why the hell are you so friendly with your neighbor?"

I glance at my best friend wondering if I tell her the truth. "Yes, tell me the truth. And I won't leave until you spit it out" she hisses.

I sigh and rub my temples, "I went to her apartment and we talked" I admit. "About?" Emily questions motioning with her hands for me to continue. "Thomas" I cringe. The blonde stares at me wide eyed, in disbelief. "I can barely get you to talk about him with me and you rather talk about him to a 18-year-old-student?"

"Because you know him and she doesn't. Plus all you ever say is 'Break up with him.' I needed other advice" I reply. I could feel her eyes practically burning holes into my skull. She sits on my desk, facing towards the door in silence. Lunch was almost over. "What did she say?" she questions causing me to roll my eyes.

Before I could get any information out, the bell rings, signifying the start of 5th period. Emily eyes me cautiously before exiting my room and heading towards her own.

- - - - - 

Finally, classes were over and I was allowed to leave. I quickly gather my things and leave my classroom. As expected, Emily follows quickly behind me. "We're talking" she spits. I sigh, nodding my head. There was no way I'm getting out of this one. Just as we make it outside I bump into a figure. 

I take a step back, "Sorry" I mutter and glance up spotting a face I didn't want to. 

I close my mouth and walk around him, Emily following in suit. Thomas is quick to grab my hand, stopping me. "Kathryn please stop avoiding and ignoring me" he begs. I turn and look at him, our eyes meeting. His small brown eyes stare down at me in sorrow. Sighing, I glance at Emily telling her to head out without me.

She glances at my boyfriend before taking the hint. 

Once she's gone, Thomas speaks. "Is there something I did?" he questions. "You cheated on me and honestly, I'm not in the best head space to be talking to you" I hiss. His eyes roam over my body before looking back at me. "Can't we just talk? I miss my girlfriend and I didn't cheat. I would never do that to you, baby please believe me."

As he begs for forgiveness my eyes trail behind him, landing on a familiar figure. Casey Kings. She's talking with the same girl from earlier, causing my blood to boil just a bit. This girl was overly touchy and it was obvious they were flirting.

"May I come over?" Thomas' question brings me back to our conversation. "No, not tonight. Maybe some other time" I spit glancing behind him again to Casey. Our eyes meet immediately causing me to smile. She looks at the back of Thomas before glancing back over to me with raised brows. The girl she was with was no longer in sight.

"Kathryn, we need to talk. Let me come over" he hisses.

This time instead of answering, I kept my gaze on the curious Casey. Thomas got the hint and sighed, "Fine. If you don't want to talk, then fine. You're the only one making our relationship worse because you won't communicate with me."

He walks off, leaving me fully exposed to big brown eyes. What was it about Casey that made me feel so intrigued? The girl was a mystery. 

I wave at the girl before taking my leave as well. I would see her at home anyways. I get into my car and drive off, ready to get away from this hell hold they call a school. I love teaching, I do, but some kids were so aggravating it made me mad. 

I make it home in under 10 minutes. I park my car in my spot and head towards the entrance only to be stopped by a decent looking man. "Good evening" he says, opening the door for me. I smile as a reply. Mother always told me not to talk to strangers. At least the more suspicious ones. 

"Uh, I don't mean to come off as creepy or anything but I've been seeing you a lot recently and I just wanted to tell you that you're beautiful."

"Thank you" I mutter as he follows me towards the elevator. Crap. Why can't he take the stairs? We get onto the elevator and I press the 5th button for the 5th floor. He presses the 7th button. Can someone else get on with us? 

"Uh, would you like to go on a date, or something? It doesn't have to be a date" he says. 

The doors begin closing. "Hold the door" A familiar voice yells. Casey to the rescue. The man reaches over pressing a button. I glance over seeing that he was pressing the 'close doors' button. Oh that sneaky bastard! 

Fortunately, Casey caught the door before it could close. The man's face beside me fell. Casey slipped in between the doors her eyes landing on me with a smile. "Oh, hey Kath" she spoke causing my heart to skip a beat at the nickname she'd given me. "Case" I reply. She glances behind her to the man before turning back around ignoring him.

The ride is silent until the man behind us speaks up. "Uh, about what I said" he started. I turn towards him with a small smile. "I apologize but I have a--" my sentence is stopped when Casey wraps her arm around my waist, pulling me closer. "Babe, I was thinking we'd do ramen for dinner. I'm not really in the mood to cook."

I stare at her in confusion but she only winks at me, begging me to go along with it. "O-of course... babe."

"Oh! I didn't- I'm sorry! I didn't know you had a girlfriend" the man whispers scratching his cheek. We get to our floor and Casey pulls me off the elevator and towards our apartments. Once the doors are closed, she releases me and puts space between us. Space I didn't want there. I wanted to feel her skin against mine.

Before I could question her actions she turns to me. "I figured he wouldn't believe you had a boyfriend. I've been living in these apartments for a while and I see him quite a lot. He doesn't take rejection well unless given good evidence. Sorry if I weirded you out" she explains. 

I shake my head, "Thank you. But you do realize if he sees us again we'll have to pretend to still be together" I say causing her to smile. "You would love that" she jokes as she turns towards her door, unlocking it. 

I would though. I would love to pretend to be her girlfriend. "Good night Casey Kings" I chuckle as I enter my apartment, not waiting for a reply. Before the door closes I hear her soothing voice, "Good night Kathryn."

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