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"Wake up sleepy head" I hear next to my ear. I smile but don't bother to open my eyes. Casey presses her lips under my earlobe, "C'mon we've got to move to your new apartment." I groan in response, not wanting to get out of bed. Casey remains still beside me. After a few seconds when I feel myself drifting back into sleep, the girl wraps her arms around my waist. 

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" she yells bouncing us up and down on the bed. I can't help but laugh at her childish tactics. I tap her arms, "Okay. I'm up, I'm up" I lie. She hums, hovering over my body, "You don't look like you're up. Your eyes are still closed."

With my eyes still closed I open my mouth and shake my head, "Oh my gosh, Casey are you blind? My eyes are definitely open."

She rests her chin on my shoulder, unmovingly. After a moment of silence, I peek my eye open, immediately spotting her staring at me with an amused expression. I groan again, "Fine, Casey. I'm up. What time is it?" I push her away from me in annoyance. "8:37" she answers causing me to glare at her.

She can only smile sweetly before rushing out of the room in only a tank and boxers. I force myself from the bed, knowing if I did end up going back to sleep that she'd return with water possibly freezing water. 

That was something I wasn't looking forward to. I follow behind my girlfriend, finding her in the kitchen. Immediately the smell of bacon and pancakes fill my nostrils. "It smells good in here" I admit, making my way to her. I wrap my arms around her waist as I bring my lips to her neck. 

"Are you excited to move?"

Casey turns her head towards me with a smile plastered on her beautiful lips. "Oh, is it because you'll get to see Bella more often?" I tease. Immediately Casey's mood changes. I laugh in response. "That's not funny Kathryn. Suddenly I don't even want to go with you anymore" she pouts.

I watch as she continues cooking. My attention leaves my girlfriend the moment I hear knocking at my door. Removing myself from my girlfriend, I make sure my appearance is decent before making my way over to the door. I open the door, coming face to face with Emily and Edwin. "Oh hi, you guys are early" I mutter.

Emily moves me aside, entering my apartment. Edwin smiles at the woman, following in suit. "Yes, please come in" I spit sarcastically at the two. "Casey you better be making breakfast for two extra people" Edwin and Emily boss the girl around.

"Oh did you guys see the news?" Edwin questions, eyes moving between my girlfriend and I. I raise my brows in confusion, glancing at the brown-skinned girl, hoping she knew what he was talking about. "Who the hell watches the news Eddie?" she hisses.

The brunette sighs, "Mr. Rossen was arrested."

I bite on my bottom lip, already aware of the information. Hell, all of us already knew about it. I frown, realizing Edwin wasn't informed about anything that happened the past few months. I have Casey to thank for that. But since things were calmed down, I guess it would be a good idea to tell him.

I open my mouth but Casey quickly stops me. "Don't Ryn."

The boy looks between us in confusion. Casey exits the kitchen, wiping her palms against her boxers, eyes landing on Edwin. "Am I missing something?" he questions.

His best friend smiles and shakes her head, "No, I was just coming to tell you two that I ran out of bacon, so unfortunately no breakfast for you two." Emily frowns, "No fair, we came early for you two and you can't even treat us to breakfast. Shame."

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