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Kathryn Howard

My week was finally at its end. I could relax for two days until I had to be back at work. I groan into the air and reach over my pillow for my phone. 9:48. I sigh and pout. Tonight was supposed to be date night but my boyfriend didn't show. Work plans came up. 

I don't want to sound like a brat or anything but, he constantly puts his job before me and I'm kind of sick of it. Scratch that. I'm 100% sick of it. We never hang out anymore. Finally feeling fed up I hop out of bed.

I need friends. 

I grab my phone and call Emily. I'm happy when she picks up immediately. "What are you and Sophie doing? I'm bored" I groan. The woman chuckles, "We're having some mind blowing sex" she replies causing me to cringe.

"I don't know, if it was mind blowing you wouldn't have answered the phone" I tease. I could hear her rolling her eyes on the other line. "Come over, we're just drinking and watching a movie. Cane is supposed to be showing up any minute."

I bite on my lower lip, thinking it over. "I'm on the way, safe me some wine" I giggle before hanging up. I slip on my shoes and grab my keys heading out the apartment. 

Just as I did, I bump into a figure coming my way. The person groans and the both of us look up. My eyes widen at the sight of Casey Kings. The last time I'd seen her here she was in a t-shirt and boxers. The girl eyes me as an awkward silence settles in. I throw her a small smile before turning around to lock my door.

She makes her way to her door, unlocking it and heading inside. "Have a nice night Ms. Howard" she mumbles before I hear her front door slam. I groan internally. I wish I would've known I was moving in next to a student at the school I work for. That way I could prepare myself for all the awkward situations we get in.

But then again, nothing could've prepared me mentally for the incident on Monday.

I didn't even want to bother her. It was all Emily's idea. She said she couldn't think with all the noise going on so of course we went to go tell them to keep it down.

I was not expecting to see Casey at all. Nor was I expecting to see a nude girl cling onto her that same night. Luckily I hadn't heard anything like that for the rest of the week.

- - - - - 

"Sophie! You're so fucking hot" A drunk Emily slurred as she kissed her wifes' neck. Cane and I chuckle as Emily tries to practically fuck her wife in front of us. Sophie rolls her eyes and pushes the woman away.

"Help" she begs. I raise my hands, not wanting to get into that. Emily can be kind of a nuisance when she's drunk. She'll get loud and do more dramatic stuff than the drama kids. Luckily she wasn't loud tonight, just extremely horny.

Cane ignores the two and turn towards me, "How's it going with you and your boyfriend?" she questions, pulling her white hair from her face. I roll my eyes at the thought of my boyfriend. He was an asshole that's what. 

"Could be better. A lot better. How about you? Seeing anyone new?"

The woman shakes her head, her eyes roaming over my figure. Cane was beautiful, don't get me wrong but she wasn't exactly my type of person. I'm attracted to personality. She had a great one, but I don't know. I just never had an attraction for her.

She was an abnormal woman. But that was only because she was born with white hair and electrifying blue eyes. You couldn't get her anywhere. I tune the conversation back in, realizing Emily beside me. I turn my head in bad timing and we end up kissing. 

Emily pulls back dramatically, "Kathy! I'm married!" she yells at me. I roll my eyes and watch Sophie laugh at her wife. Sophie knew Emily and I wouldn't do anything on purpose or with any intentions. Emily is in love with her wife and would go to hell and back for her. And I'm in a relationship with a handsome man.

"Let's get this one to bed" Sophie chuckles. 

Cane and I help her carry Emily into their bedroom. The blonde continuously complains how she's not tired and the moment her head hits the pillow, she's out like a light. Cane and I giggle at the sleeping beauty.

"Thank you guys for coming over, Em really needed this" Sophie hugs us. "Of course, we could use a ladies night any time" I laugh. Cane nods her head and we part ways. 

"Oh hey, wait up!" Cane speaks as she rushes over to my car. I stop in my tracks and turn towards her. She smiles, "Maybe you and I could catch up? I'm free tomorrow if you are!"

As much as I love hanging out with Cane, I didn't want to be left alone with her. She's a womanizer. "I'll have to pass on the offer. Thomas said he wanted to see me" I deny.

I wasn't exactly lying. I watch her face fall but she masks that with a small smile. "Alright, I'll catch you later then."

- - - - -

I make it home quick. Just in time to catch the elevator up with Casey. The girl is in her phone the whole time and for some odd reason I can't keep my eyes off of her. I notice the red bull in her hand and chuckle. The girl finally looks up, her hazel eyes meeting mine. 

"Red bull isn't a healthy beverage" I say nodding towards her drink. She glances at the can and smirks. "Well they give me wings" she jokes using their slogan to the best of her abilities. The elevator makes it to our floor and she's first to get off. She walks ahead of me, her head still in her phone, allowing me to eye the back side of her.

Her ass looks incredible in those jeans.

I make it to my door and fumble with my keys to unlock it. "Good night Ms. Howard" Casey mumbles causing my eyes to land on her. She's standing half way of her door way, smiling up at me. I throw back a half smile. "Good night Casey."

We both enter our apartments and close the door. Maybe things won't be so incredibly awkward after all. 

Suddenly my mind is on the incident from Monday. I groan and lock my door as I try to push that thought to the back of my head. I don't want to remember it.

Nothing happened on Monday. Nothing happened on Monday. Nothing happened on Monday.

I kick my shoes off and head into my room. Ugh. I fall onto my bed face first and cuddle my pillow in loneliness. I really miss my boyfriend. Hearing my phone ring in my back pocket, I fish it out. THOMAS.

I smile and answer. "Hey Love" his Spanish accent hits my ears and I can't stop myself from smiling. "Hey" I blush, "I miss you."

"I miss you more. Which is why I'm taking you out to dinner tomorrow night. I won't allow work to get in the way of us tomorrow."

I smile into the phone, my happiness about to explode. "I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie. I've got to go, okay? I just wanted to call and hear your voice" he sighs. 

"I'll talk to you tomorrow then."

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