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"We kissed? You kidding right" Emily laughs as we walked down the aisle. Sophie instructed the blonde to get groceries and of course she wanted for me to tag along. "No. Cane was there and she can testify as well" I add.

Emily eyes me with a raised brow, "Cane was there? Did she like hit on you?" I roll my eyes as I grab a box of mac and cheese, tossing it into the basket. "She did, but I shot her down." The blonde snorts as she reaches for another box of mac and cheese. 

"Thomas is taking me out tonight" I bring up a new conversation. However, I immediately regret it. Emily hates Thomas' guts. The girl rolls her eyes and groans, "Let me guess, he's going to ignore all his work calls for you?"

I slap her arm in annoyance. "What? Am I right? Thomas is so predictable and I don't want to be the one to say it but he's cheating on you" she spits. I eye my best friend and she only shrugs her shoulders. I never understood what she had against him. The moment they met, she didn't like him. She'd always say he wasn't good enough for me.

"He wouldn't! He's sweet and caring."

"And also a cheater. Kat, you're only oblivious to it because you think you're in love with him--"

"I am in love with him" I cut her off. The blonde shakes her head, "No you're not. Thomas isn't the man you need to be with. His personality screams cheater. You deserve so much better!"

I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me of before I can, "You'd have a better chance at a happier life with Cane and you know I don't want you and Cane to ever date."

I can't help but to crack a smile to the last part. Emily was practically denying everyone I dated. You'd think she'd be happy for me. Emily turns the corner and I walk a little slower, annoyed that my best friend won't support my relationship.

And then suddenly my eyes catch a glimpse of something I never wanted to see. There he was. Thomas. And just as Emily said, he was clinging onto a girl and kissing her. My eyes widen as I stop in my tracks. Everything stops for me.

I stop breathing. I stop thinking. I stop moving. The world stops moving. I just stand and watch. My eyes water as I watch the two of them continue to walk past the store until I couldn't see them anymore.

I blink, bringing myself back into reality. "Babe, you okay?" Emily questions.

I shake my head and stare at the window, my heart breaking. 

- - - - - 

"Okay, now tell me what you saw" Emily spoke as we sat in her car, parked in a McDonald's parking lot. I blink and feel more tears come as I think about Thomas being capable to cheat on me. I had my hopes high. I defended him against my best friend. And it turns out she was right. She always is. 

"I-" I take a deep breath and wipe away my tears. "I saw Thomas outside the grocery store. He was kissing some red head" I cry and look over to my friend. 

Emily doesn't say anything. I'm expecting to hear her say 'I told you so' or tell me how she's right all the time. But instead she leans over, pulling me into her embrace. And then I let it all out. Again. My tears stain her shirt but she doesn't care. 

Pulling away, I stare at her. "I defended him and he cheated" I cry. Emily's eyes water and she sighs pulling me into another hug. "I hate seeing you cry, babe. I don't like this" she whispers. 

I don't know how much time passes until I stop crying. "You need to confront him" Emily sighs. I nod my head. I knew I had to. I didn't want to. I didn't want to accept that it was real. Thomas was always so sweet and caring and gentle with me. I didn't want to accept the truth because it hurt too much. 

"Can I stay with you?" I question as I blink rapidly, not wanting to cry anymore. Emily grabs my hand, squeezing it. "Of course babe, anything you need."

I nod my head and lean my head on the window as she drives back to her home. 

I wake up on the couch, the smell of mac and cheese makes me smile. "Aunt Kathy" I hear. A little blonde resembling her mom attacks me in a hug causing my smile to widen. "Hey, Angel face" I pick her up and tickle her sides lightly. 

The little girl giggles. Suddenly two more figures are attacking me. I chuckle as I fight off the kids. "Alright, let the woman breath" Emily laughs. The three figures release me and I sit up on the couch. 

"Steven, go help your mother" Emily instructs the oldest into the kitchen. The boy pouts but does as told. "How you feeling?" Emily leans over the couch and into my personal space. I laugh and push her away slightly. "Better."

She nods her head and walks around the couch, picking up Heaven, her daughter. "How was it with your dad?" I question pulling her twin into me. "Hey took us to the mall and we got new shoes!"

Emily rolls her eyes before kissing her daughter's cheek and setting her down. I occupy myself with the two twin blondes. Luckily, I could tell the difference from the two. Hannah had a mole under her left eye, much similar to her fathers. 

"Aunt Kathy, are you staying for dinner?" Heaven and Hannah ask simultaneously. I smile and nod my head, "I'll stay however long you two want me to."

Emily entered the room again, causing me to eye her in confusion. "Cane is here" she mumbles causing me to groan. She offers a sympathetic smile before disappearing behind a wall to head towards the front door. I wasn't into being questioned tonight. Especially by a woman who's been trying to get me since college.

Braided white hair comes around the corner and both Hannah and Heaven smile wide as they approach the woman. "Jasabelle!" they attack her in hugs causing me to laugh at the use of her real name. Her blue eyes landed on me in surprise. "Oh, hey Kat, I didn't know you were coming over."

Emily dismisses herself, pulling Hannah and Heaven away to get ready for supper. Ass. Cane takes a seat beside me and spikes up a conversation. Luckily she doesn't ask about my relationship with Thomas or the dinner I'm supposed to be having with him. The rest of the night goes smoothly, up until the end of dinner.

My phone rings and a picture of Thomas and I light up on my phone. My smile falls as I stare at the device buzzing on the table. I glance up from the phone, noticing all eyes on me. I throw an awkward smile and deny the call. Not too long after I decide to just take the call.

I excuse myself and head outside as I place the phone against my ear. "Baby? I'm at your home. Where are you?" he questions. I can't help but to scoff, "It's none of your business" I hiss at the man. The line goes silent before he speaks up, "Did I do something? I thought we were having dinner tonight to make up for missing date night." 

I roll my eyes at his soft tone. Who's to say he wasn't playing me. "Don't act dumb Thomas! I saw you with that girl, was she your important business meeting that ruined our date night?" I feel my eyes water as I pace back and forward on the sidewalk.

"Honey, what are you talking about? Tell me where you are, you're being irrational."

"There's nothing irrational, Thomas! I saw you and her and you kissed her. I saw it with my own eyes! Just tell me the truth!"

The man sighs and I prepare myself for him to tell me the truth. What I saw was the truth. I blink, allowing my tears to escape as I wait for his reply. "Kathryn, I didn't cheat on you. I would never do you like that. You mean so much to me and I love you."

I don't believe him. 

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