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"I made you breakfast" I whisper in Casey's ear as I kiss her cheek. The girl groans, not wanting to get out of bed. She rolled over and pulled me into her, shoving her face into my chest. I laugh at the beauty as I hug her, "I have to go or I'll be late." The girl groans, not wanting to let me go. I kiss her temple as I reach behind me to pry her hands away. "I'll check on you during lunch" I promise.

Her brown eyes meet mine as she pouts. "Can't you stay here with me? I only feel better when you're here with me."

I smile and shake my head, "As much as I love taking care of you, I have kids of my own I need to be teaching."

Casey rolls her eyes and lets me go, rolling over and ignoring me. I chuckle as I lean over her body, "Are you mad at me now?" The girl rolls her eyes again but I notice the smile on her lips. I kiss her cheek again, "I'll only be gone for like 4 hours."

"Whatever," is her response. I shake my head as I get back out of bed and head towards the door. "I have some tea brewing for you. So get your ass up and eat breakfast" I wink. The brown-skinned girl smiles cheekily as she lazily gets out of bed. She follows me into the living room. I turn towards her once more before she tries to kiss me. I dodge her lips causing her to frown. "Oh c'mon it's reduced to a slight cough now," she pouts.

I shake my head, "You're trying to get me sick." The girl shrugs her shoulders, "I want to return the favor," she jokes. 

I laugh at her comment as I slip into my shoes. "Not going to happen, now I've got to go. Text me if you need me. Emergencies only."

A perfectly arched brow raises, "My sexual needs are emergencies, Kathryn."

I roll my eyes at her joke. "Whatever, Casey. I'm going now, behave."

"If I recall, this is my apartment, you have no right to give me rules" she laughs pushing me out the door. "If you want to continue calling me your girlfriend, you'll behave" I threaten. Casey shakes her head in disbelief. I wave to her before heading towards the elevator. 

"Have a great day babe" Casey calls out after me before I hear her apartment door closing. 

I make it to school a bit later than usual. Even though I got up an hour earlier to make sure I wasn't late. I shake my head, at least today was Friday. This meant after today, I could relax, though Casey was still slightly sick. But any time spent with Casey was good enough for me.

"You're later than usual, have fun taking care of your pet?" Emily jokes bumping her shoulder with mine. I roll my eyes at the blonde, spotting the new teacher up ahead. Emily noticed the woman as well before shaking her head, "She's going to regret wearing stilettos to school."

I nod my head, she most definitely was. Stilettos were good heels, but not per se for school. She was going to find out the hard way. Emily walks with me to the office. "So how is your girlfriend? She's missed the whole first week back."

I sign in, "She's good. I think she'll be fine to come back Monday." The blonde smiles and nudges my shoulder again. "You're such a good girlfriend. If I'm ever sick, Soph just tries to stay as far away as possible." I can't help but laugh. That definitely sounds like Sophia. She was slightly a germaphobe. 

Before I can get any words out, the sound of my phone grabs my attention. I answer it, fully aware that it'd be Casey. "What's wrong? I haven't even been gone long" I shake my head turning away from Emily and heading towards my room. 

"I know but can you blame me? I miss my girlfriend" Casey flirts. I roll my eyes but the smile spreading on my lips only grows. "Plus, as a student, I know first period doesn't start for another 5 minutes. Talk to me."

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