Christmas Special

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My eyes fall on the beautiful Kathryn Howard. I bite down on my lip as I eye her sexy elf outfit. I can't help but to growl, knowing I couldn't rip it off. "Casey" I hear, bringing my eyes away from the beaut. Jasmine was in a similar outfit, yet I didn't feel as attracted to her as I was to Kathryn. I watch the brunette turn in a circle, causing her elf skirt to flare.

"You look good" I admit. Even if Jasmine was no longer my type, I couldn't lie and tell her she was ugly because she was far from it. But her beauty could never match Kathryn's. "Good? Is that all? C'mon Casey, tell me I'm sexy, make me believe it."

I was happy when I saw two familiar bodies coming our way. Saved by the boys. "Wow Jas, you look good" Edwin says causing the girl to pout. I could only laugh. Damn. We all face Duke to see if he would compliment her the same way Edwin and I did. But instead we found the boy gawking. Drool was evident in his stare. I could see Jasmine blush.

I smirk. Now that Duke was over me, his interests in Jasmine spiked up once again. And quite frankly, they'd make a cute couple. "Miss Kings" I hear. Immediately my head snaps to the beautiful person that soft angelic voice belongs to. I try to hold my smile as I meet a piercing brown gaze. 

Kathryn was undeniably out of this world. "Could I see you before you get to class?" 

You can see me anytime you want. "Of course" I answer instead. I glance back at my friends, they all make wiggly eyes with their brows. Including Jasmine, now that says something. Were we that obvious? "I-I'll catch you guys later" I stutter.

"No, no Case, take your time. I'm sure you both would enjoy that" Jasmine smirks. She pushes me towards the older brunette with a smile. I blink in confusion. What the hell was going on? I was almost sure that my friend's had no idea about my attraction and relationship with Kathryn. 

I make my way towards Kathryn with a smile, dismissing my weird acting friends. We both enter her classroom. She doesn't close her door. Before I can speak her lips are on mine. I melt into her lips, feeling rather pleased with this public display of affection. My senses come to me quickly. I push the woman away slightly.

"Kat, you left the door open, isn't that dangerous?" I question glancing at the empty hallway. 

The woman chuckles, "What are you talking about? The principal already told us last week that we were fine as long as we did these things inside the classroom and not out in the hallways."

What? I frown and glance at those sparkling brown orbs. What the hell was she talking about? 

"Kathryn--" I start but I'm cut off when she grabs my hand and places them on her breasts. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I question feeling slightly off. Something definitely wasn't right. I use my other hand and pinch myself, I felt the pain. But why the hell was this happening? This was against school policy.

"We've got a few minutes before classes start. You think we have time for a quickie" the brunette questions. My mouth hangs at her question. She chuckles  and pulls me towards her desk. She sits on top and pulls be in between her legs. I melt at the feeling of her soft thighs on me. The woman bites down on her lip, her lust-filled eyes on me. This shouldn't be happening.

Kathryn and I haven't made it this far, have we? 

"Casey, why are you spacing out? We only have a few minutes until students arrive. Please fuck me baby" her voice is clouded with lust. Her legs wrap around my waist and her hands bring my own between her legs. My eyes widen at her actions. This isn't right. My middle finger comes in contact with her clit underneath the cloth. My eyes roll to the back of my head. I was seriously confused about everything going on right now.

I rub circles on her clit, watching the woman bite down harder on her lip. A sweet moan escapes her throat and melts onto my ear drums. I force myself not to moan as well from pleasure. I was about to finger my next door neighbor who was also a teacher at my school. I swallow the lump in my throat as I bring out lips together. 

My hands busy themselves. One playing with her delicate flower, the other fumbling with her outfit. Once I got it open, instinctively my hand clamped onto her breast, massaging it softly. I was really about to have sex with Kathryn.

"I love you." The words slip from her lips so smoothly, I almost don't catch it. I blink and glance at the woman. "What?" I question in confusion.

"I love you, god, Casey I love you so much" she moans. 

I swallow, not able to process anything. "I-I love you too" I mutter. And I knew I meant it. She nods her head and pulls me back into her, allowing us to continue our moment.

Suddenly there's knocking on the door. I groan and glance towards the door. Weirdly it's closed. I frown and glance back to Kathryn, only to find her missing. What?

The knocking grows louder. I groan and open my eyes, coming to with my apartment. I realize the knocking is still going. I groan to myself and force myself out of bed. I head towards the door, opening it before taking a peek into the peephole. "What?" I question, coming face to face with Edwin, Jasmine, and Duke.

"Chill, you weren't answering your phone. We got worried, you do know today is a school day right?" 

I blink a few times. 

Wasn't I just at school? What the hell is going on? Have I been sleep this whole time? 

There's snapping. I glance towards my friends in confusion. "As much as I like this sight, you need to get dressed. We're already late." I nod my head and flood towards my room to get dressed. What was today anyways? Was this another dream? 

Once I'm dressed, my friends and I head towards the school. Indeed we were late. The halls were empty. All but one face remained. Kathryn's. 

She sends a smile my way before disappearing into her classroom. Suddenly, I remember my dream. My heartbeat increases. How was I going to face her again after telling the dream her that I love her. And why the hell did I even say that in the first place? What the hell is going one!?

- - - - -

So this is your Christmas special. It's short, I know but I literally typed this today (Dec 25th).

I know you guys always want me to update so this is all I could give right now. I will start writing the next chapter today but I probably won't update it until around New Years. Please be patient. 

Also before anyone starts fangirling about this, this whole chapter did happen in the book but it's a dream Casey had. They are not near Christmas yet. They're still in November (I'm saying this because there will be a chapter in the future about Christmas and I don't want to confuse anyone.)

Anyways, that is it. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and New Years. I love you all (that's gay). Cherish this time with your family members because you don't know what will happen. 

~ UD

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