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Minus the fact that she marked me, I didn't understand why Kathryn encouraged me to come to this club. Not only was it 10:24 at night but it was also a school night. Once I make it inside the club, I push my way past sweaty bodies. I cringe as a few women cop-a-feel as I make my way to the bar. I'm happy when I spot Naomi close by.

I make my way towards the woman, "Hey" I call out over the music. She doesn't turn from the band. I frown and place my hand on the small of her back as I lean down to her ear. "Naomi," I say again and she jumps. She turns to me wide-eyed before realizing who I was. Her eyes are quick to notice the new designs on my neck and collarbones. 

"Hey, when did you get here?" she questions glancing back towards the band. "I just got here. What's this band called, their music is pretty good" I say, taking a seat on the barstool to her right. She raises her brows, "Uh, they're called Roman Empire."

I nod my head and call the bartender over for a beer. Naomi and I watch the band for the next few minutes until they stop playing to take a break. "So, how was your day?" I question taking a sip of my beer. The dark-skinned woman shrugs with a smile, "It was, exhausting. My co-worker wasn't there so I had to take some of her class since they couldn't find a sub."

I glance at Naomi in confusion, "You're a teacher?"

The woman nods her head. Oh, damn. "What grade do you teach?" I question, hoping that maybe she was an elementary teacher or something. "I teach mostly juniors and seniors. I'm starting to think I should've started off with an easier task like middle schoolers."

I bite on my lip. Does she work at my school? Was the teacher she was talking about, Kathryn? "Oh that's cool, where do you work?" 

The woman eyes me in curiosity, "Rickerson High. It's not too far from here, why? Are you looking for a job?" My eyes widen unintentionally as I swallow the beer in my mouth. How had I not noticed her before? Was she new? When the hell did she start working there? Did Kathryn know that Naomi was her co-worker? Wait, no. I shake my head. Kathryn didn't seem to know Naomi earlier during our phone calls. 

I suck on my teeth. This wasn't good. Naomi Hope was my girlfriend's co-worker. Before I can answer her question, the singer from the band taps on the woman's shoulder. Naomi turns and is immediately engulfed in a hug. I raise a brow in confusion, did she know this woman? "I didn't think you'd still come after what happened, I'm so happy to see you" the woman grins.

I sip on my beer and let the two women talk until the band lady rushes back to the stage. 

"You know her?" I question as the music starts up again. Naomi nods her head and drinks the other half of her cup. "She's my ex-girlfriend." My brows raise in surprise. Naomi dated a celebrity? She turns to me with a somber expression. 

"Originally we were together when I made the promise to come see her perform. And after we broke up, I vowed to keep my promise but I asked you here to, I don't know, make her jealous. But when I saw the hickies on your neck, I couldn't bring myself to do anything."

I offer a warm smile. "Do you still love her?" I question. She turns her head to eye the woman before chuckling. Her dark eyes land on me, "I want to say no but I know that's a lie. Even after a few months apart I can't get her out of my head and to make matters worse I actually love her songs and find myself listening to them."

I reach over and grab the woman's hand to soothe her, "I think you should tell her that before she ends up in a relationship with someone else."

The dark-skinned woman nods her head and smiles kindly at me. "By the way, how'd you get the bartender to let you drink?" I quirk my brow in confusion. What was she talking about? She chuckles, "Casey, you're not 21 and she didn't even ask for your ID. So you've been here before?"

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