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"Alright" I clap my hands together, ready to get this day over with. I glance back at the board, "I remember on Monday I helped you all with half the packet and expected the other half to be finished yesterday. So today we're going to go over the other half" I say and glance at my students. Many of them were out of it. But that was to be expected, especially with finals right around the corner.

I sat on my desk and folded my arms across my chest. "Who wants to go first?" I question. No one's hand rose. I let out a breath. Did they know this wasn't for me? "If you participate and get the answers correct I'll add it to your final grade" I add. This causes my students to seem more interested in their education.

I smile in response and pick a student to read out and answer the first question. Not even 10 minutes into the study, there's a knock on my door. I groan and walk over to the door, opening it, my eyes landing on dark ones. I sigh and raise my brows in question.

"Are you free tonight? I want to take you out on a date" Mr. Rossen smiles.

I roll my eyes, "You do know I'm in the middle of class right?" I question in annoyance. The man smiles, "Is that a yes?" "No. I have plans. Please leave me alone." 

I close the door and let out a breath hoping to get back into my lesson. 

- - - - -

My day was halfway over. I had 2 classes left then I get to go home. I frown in confusion. Would Casey pick me at home? Suddenly I was curious about our plans. Did she want me to drive to her parent's house? I let out a breath. "I always forget you have two off periods back to back" I hear. My lips curl upwards into a smile as I glance over spotting Casey.

I hadn't seen her all day but here she was looking as breathtaking as ever. Her hair was straightened unlike usual which kind of made me miss her curls. I could also notice light makeup. "Are you wearing makeup?" I question slightly surprised. The girl smiles and glances down at her hands, "Uh yeah... is it ugly?"

I shake my head, "Not at all. You look beautiful. What's the occasion?" Casey enters my classroom and stops on the side of my desk with a wide smile. "Well, I was thinking you and I could go out to eat after school."

My smile widens as I reach over to grab her hand, "I would love to but it's not fair that you look 100 times better than me" I flirt. 

Casey scoffs as she intertwines our fingers, "Ms. Howard, you are mistaken. Even like this, I have nothing on your beauty. You are a walking masterpiece."

I lick my bottom lip in response to her comment. She smirks and raises her brows, her eyes landing on the stack of papers on my desk. "Need help grading those?" I nod my head. Casey chuckles as she grabs a chair and sets it on side of me. She sits down and grabs half the load and setting it in front of her. My eyes watch the girl in amusement. 

"The more you watch me the less work that will get done and it will cut into our alone time" Casey teases. Her lips curl upwards as she glances over at me. 

"How exactly do you expect me to work? You're distracting" I defend my case. The brunette shrugs her shoulders, "Am I really?" she teases. I watch her hand drop from the desk and land on my leg. I suck in a sharp breath and try to focus my mind on the work in front of me. Casey knew what she was doing. And quite frankly, I didn't think she was sorry for her actions. 

I bite onto my cheek in hopes that I wouldn't react to her touch. "What's your full name?" she questions, not bothering to move her hand. "Aren't these questions usually saved for a first date kind of thing?" I ask with a teasing smile.

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