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I frown as I remove my dress and continue trashing my room. Casey would be here any moment and I was nowhere near ready. Usually, dressing for a date never leaves me so nervous. But then again none of my other dates ever made me feel like she did. I groan as I grab the next outfit consisting of a turtle neck and skinny jeans. I shrug my shoulders. It didn't hurt to try.

I hear a knock on my door, startling me. I glance at the digital watch on my nightstand. Casey was early. I pause as my nerves wrack in my brain. I wasn't near ready and I was beginning to freak out. I hear the knocking again. I panic and rush towards the door, opening it without much thought of my indecency. 

The brown skinned girl smirks, her eyes roaming over my body. She opens and closes her mouth several times. It takes me a moment before the breeze on my bare skin reminds me that I was only in my lace bra and panties. I blush before turning on my heel and heading into my room without a word. Knowing Casey, she'd probably come in anyways.

I decide on the turtle neck and jeans, seeing as nothing else pleased me. But then again, the first dress I tried on, matches Casey's outfit. I groan as I stare at the pile of clothes on my room floor. Sometimes it sucks being a woman. I can be so indecisive at times.

I hear a knock at my room door and glance over spotting Casey. This time she's not staring at my body. "Wow, you had a party with out me" the girl jokes. She enters my room, walking around my half nude body and towards my pile of clothes. It takes her seconds to find a dress that somewhat matches what she's wearing. She smiles and walks toward me. 

"As much as I am loving this sight, you should get dressed. I planned a nice date for us."

I blush at her compliment and nod my head. I retrieve the dress from her hands and head into my restroom to get dressed. About 15 minutes later, I'm dressed and ready to go. I exit my room to find Casey nowhere to be seen. Suddenly there's a knock at my door, slightly startling me. I head towards the door, glancing out the peephole. I see no one. The knocking continues.

I open the door to spot a bouquet of flowers. I can't help but to smile as I take them into my hands. I roll my eyes quickly at Casey. "You didn't have to" I smile bigger. "What's a date without flowers? I had to. Plus I knew you would've taken quite a while to get ready."

I chuckle awkwardly. I was actually ready 10 minutes ago. I had a very long hesitant process of making sure my make up wasn't smudged or making sure my hair was perfect. I couldn't go out with Casey looking any kind of way. "I'll go put these away, give me a minute" I blush from embarrassment. I sniff the flowers, loving the fresh smell.

A minute later, I head back towards the door, where Casey stood on her phone. "I'm done" I say almost a bit too jealous. Was her phone going to be ringing on this date. Casey glances up from her phone, "My god, you look beautiful." I can't help but to blush once again. She holds out her free hand, which I take. Once my door is locked we head towards the elevator.

Her phone buzzes, grabbing my attention once again. "Who's that?" I question. The girl checks her phone as we wait for the elevator. "It's just Jasmine" she replies before responding to the message. Jealousy fills my chest as I force my eyes elsewhere. Once we get onto the elevator Casey glances at me.

"I'm sorry I'm on my phone. Jasmine was kind of helping me with the date and she's just letting me know our reservation is booked for 10pm. I'm going to text her, but after this I'm shutting my phone off, I promise."

The jealousy that managed its way into my heart quickly vanished at her words. And she did just as she said she would. She texted her friend and shut her phone off before sliding it into her back pocket. 

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