Chapter Thrity Three

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Arianna P.O.V

         Louis and Eleanor came back to the couch, each holding two drinks. 

        "Alright Arianna." Eleanor says grinning. "Heres your little "Sprite." She hands me the drink. I take a gulp right away. This didn't taste like Sprite, not even Sprite with a little something. This just taste like the "something." I grinned and gulped down more. Louis handed Harry his, and he did the same.

       "So who wants to dance again?" Eleanor asks, winking at Louis. 

       "I do!" Louis says. I looked at Harry.

      "What about you?" I ask. He grins.

       "After you." He says with a smirk. Suddenly the familar beginning rift of Candy Shop turns on, and the whole club races to the dance floor.

         "WHOO HOO!" Eleanor yells and jumps off the back of the couch. Louis followed in a similar manner and they disappeared into the crowd in a second.

       "Come on Harry!" I yell, flinging myslef off the couch and grabbing his hand. I jump on his back and he runs down to the dance floor. In a second, Im shaking it again, and this time Harry isn't so hesitant in grabbing my hips and shaking it with me. It was insane. The dance floor was so packed you couldn't move a foot without being smashed up against someone else. A girl accidently started quriking on me. In any other time, my senses would have been going off saying this is too crazy Arianna, you shouldn't be here. But for some reason, I was just not caring. About anything about anyone. Just me and Harry, and this momnet. To me, we were the only ones on the dance floor. I turned around to face Harry. 

        "I'll take you to the candy shop." I sang to him with my sexiest grin. 

         "Ill let you lick the lollipop." Harry sang back. Weren't we naughty. I kissed him on the lips again, and this time, he really kissed me back. Last time was great...but this was incrediable. He knew what he was doing, and wasn't holding anything back. We pulled away and I turned back around so my back was facing Harry. It was my favorite part in the song and I was about to do my stuff, when I look up. My jaw litterly drops to the floor and my heart stopped beating. Staring down at me, with no shirt on, a beer in his hand and a smirk on his face....was Jason Chance.


Harry P.O.V

         Arianna stopped dancing suddenly. I was confused and tapped her on the shoulder. She didn't respond.

       "Arianna?" I say over the music. She was standing stone still. Then suddenly I see who she was staring at. I blinked hard to see if it was just some one that looked like him. Nope.

                   "Jason..." I say, to myself. I hoped he was too drunk to even say anything.

       "Well...well..well.." He said, twilring Arianna's hair. Arianna swatted his hand away and backed up into me, practicly knocking me over.

         "Jason....leave us alone." Arianna says in a stern voice. Jason gets close to her face.

         "Thought you got rid of me huh?" He says, with an evil glint in his eyes. "Thought old Jason was locked up in jail somewhere." Arianna says something to me but I didnt hear her. The music was still blasting.

         "Was this all your plan? To get rid of me so you could hook up with this kid and then drop him like you dropped me?" Jason was drunk, but he was still cocky as anything. I couldn't tell the difference. Arianna was obviously offended by his words. She looked angery and scared. I decided to step in.

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