Chapter Seven

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Harry P.O.V

         You may think I acted a bit childish....but when I heard we were gonna show up at Ariannas movie premiere I literally ran around the X Factor house screaming. Its been awhile since I got put together in a band. In such a short time, we've grown so close. Oh did I mention I came up with our band name, One Direction? I know its random, but it sounds cool! I've been working so hard and I can't believe we are in the final three. We're going to find out who was voted out soon, so I've been kind of in a serious mood the past couple days. But hearing that we get to go to Ariannas movie premiere, made me rememeber my real reason for becoming famous...for Arianna!! And this will be my chance! I bet she already knows about me. She may even apporach me! I mean, it could happen right? I've never been to a movie premiere before so I don't really know what to expect. I think we even get to watch her movie! But all i wanna do it talk to the end of the night...I should have her number...I think...

         "Harry!" Louis yells, interrupting my thoughts,

         "Yupp?" I answer back.

         "We gotta get ready to go! The preimere is in like an hour!" he calls running out of our room to the hair and makeup stylists. Yes i said makeup, ok we don't really wear makeup, just cover up stuff, I think Zayn sometimes put on a little more than the rest of us though...

         "Come on Curly lets go!" he calls again.

          "Ok im coming!" I yell back and chase him down the hall. When we get there Niall, Liam and Zayn already have their hair done.

           "I think she did a brillant job on my hair!" Liam exclaims.

            "Ya its great." Niall says back in his Irsh accent. When Zayn sees us walk in he makes us known by yelling "Vas Happenin!?" I really don't know why he always says that. I walk up to the chair and sit there while the stylists go to work. 

                "Make sure it doesn't stick up in the back" I tell her. "Oh and I want my skin to look perfect so put on a lot of bronzer. Hey Liam do you know if they ironed my blazer?"

                    "Woah woah there Harry, why are you so uptight about how you look all the sudden?" Louis asks. I just realized how urgent I probabaly sounded. I guess I'm  just nervous because I wanted to look perfect for Arianna. Wait...I just realized I haven't told any of them about her. Its probabaly best I don't. Louis would totally humiliate me in front of her I just know it. I'll tell them later.

                     "Uhhhh...I don't know...did I sound uptight? I'm not uptight. I'm not uptight at all, perfectly fine, what are you talking about.?" I said. They all just stared at me. That sounded extremely uptight. I give up. 

                      "What?" I said. They just sighed and Niall laughed. Woww Harry smooth.

      After what seemed like forever we were already to go. As we got into the car with the other contestants, Matt Cardle and Rebecca Ferguson, seeing them reminded me of the X Factor again and the final three. I sighed, I sware I am just always nervous all the time now.  Really its starting to get ridiculous.Louis smiled at me and I smiled back. He could tell I was was nervous. The car ride there seemed to take forever! I kept practicing what I would say to Arianna in my head. "Hi, Im Harry Styles..wait you look familiar. " And she would giggle because she recongizes me and say "Really what from?" And Id say, we went to grade school together. Did I metion you look fabulous in that dress?" And she would giggle again and say "Thanks, you look good too." and thats as far as I got. I just hope everything goes according to plan. Gulp. Suddenly things start to get loud and I looked out the window and saw tons of people. This was really happening. I was about to see Arianna Arlington, for real...not on a magaizine cover.

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