Chapter Forty

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Arianna P.O.V

          It has been a couple days since the commerical, and I have to say Ive been glued to the TV ever since. Mr. Rozic told me it was going to be on TV, but Mr. Reed kept saying that putting this on TV would just make me and Harry look like idiots, which is completely true. I havent seen it yet, but I still know that it very well could pop up randomly on abc family or even Disney for that matter. I just prayed I looked good enough to not get made fun of. I switched off the TV and stretched. I was still in my pajamas and it was almost 12:00. I needed to get moving. Eh...who cares its saturday and theres no fliming today so screw it. Suddenly I heard a knock on my door that made me jump. I got up quickly and smoothed out of hair...which was kind of hard becasue it was in a messy bun.

           "Unlock your door." I heard Eleanors voice call from the hallway. Oh, thank god it was just her. I got up and walked through the kitchen to the door.

         "Hey girl.....OOO you brought me Starbucks!" I say grabbing the warm cup of coffee she was holding. 

           "You not going anywhere today?" She asks, walking in. I closed the door.

           "Nope, its one of my few precious off days. I wont get much of this once the movie starts." I say flopping down on the coach again. "You doing anything today?" I ask.

             "Well I have a shoot at 8:00....with a guy." Eleanor says with a gulity grin. I nugde her.

              "Dont get too touchy now." I laugh, what will Louis say.

          "I havent told him yet, but I have a plan to bring him along. That way this guy wont pull any tricks." She says obviously amused with herself. "Hey have you talked to Harry at all?" She asks.

             "Yay.....He says he still feels kinda crappy but his cough is going away. I bet hes going to give it to Louis though the way those two are." I say.

               "HEY!" Eleanor yells suddenly. I dont even flinch.

             "What, you broke a nail? Forgot to put on perfume?" I say drinking my coffee.

          "No." She says grabbing the remote off the floor. Vampire Diaries is on and Im going to watch." 

             "Nooo." I groan. "That shows boring and violent."

             "Look whos talking."

        "Well you have fun i'll be in kitchen eating a bagel." I say getting up. I try to shake the sleepyness out of my eyes. I just couldnt get up this morning. I pulled a bagel out and put it in the toaster. I heard Eleanor excited squealing from the family room. She loves that show. My bagel popped so I was just about to pull it out when Eleanors squeals turned into massive screams. My bagel goes flying through the air.

             "ARIANNA COME QUICK!" She yells. I run into the room, almost killing myself on the pointy edge of the counter. She was jumping up and down pointing at the screen. I literally peed my pants. 

             "TRY ONE! ONE A DAY MAKES YOUR COUGH GO AWAY!" My voice boomed on the TV. I stared wide eyed. I watched as Harry randomly started rolling around on the couch with his head smashed into the pillow. I didnt know he did that? Then he looks up at me with this huge grin on his face.

                 "HERE YOU GO!" I say handing Harry the cough drop. He drops it. They didnt edit that out. I fell to the ground in embrassment. Eleanor was already on the ground rolling around and screaming with laughter. Then to my horror, I watched as me and Harry jump up and down yelling "YAAAAAAA!" This made Eleanor lose it. I closed my eyes, I didnt want to see anymore. I heard stupid music and a voice explaining all the side effects and the usual "Find at your local convienent store." was over.

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