Chapter Seventy One

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Harry POV

I lifted my head up from my bed and sighed. I knew it was almost afternoon, and I knew I had to get down to the studio soon. Just perfect timing that we would have to resume fliming today. I had locked myslef in my room ever since last night when me and Arianna had that fight. Louis and Zayn have been pounding on the door for me to come out...but I ignored them. I didn't want them to see me cry, because I haven't been able to stop since she snatched her hand away from mine and walked out. I had held her hand so many times before, but never had she pulled her hand away. I got up from the bed and stretched. I hadnt changed clothes or even taken a shower. I looked at myself in the mirror, and realized what Susan had meant when she said I looked sick, because I did. My face my pale and my cheeks were still streaked red with tears. I tired to rub my cheeks, to make the redness go away and to wake myslef up, but it just made my face look even more red. I gave up and turned away from the mirror. I knew that I had to leave this room sometime, but I just wish it wasn't to go and flim. Will Arianna still be mad? That was my biggest fear. I mean what if this is it? What if were done? I shut my eyes, trying to get my mind to stop thinking about it. Suddenly there was another knock on my door, but this time it was quieter and not as demanding. 

"Harry?" Louis said, in a very calm and gentle voice for him. I actually didn't even know he was capable of making that tone. I decided to answer for once.

"Ya?" I said simply. Silence.

"Can you please open the door? No one else is here, its just me. They all went out to get lunch, I promise." Louis says.

"Why didnt you go with them?" I ask.

"Because I didn't want to leave you behind." He answers. I frowned and got up from the bed. Louis wasn't acting like Louis, and it was scaring me. I've really worried him, and I dont like that. I open the door slowly, and Louis smiles at me when he sees me, but his smile turns into an immdiate frown when I try to smile back. Then he just stands there for a second, like he was trying to find words.

"I heard, what happened last night.....we all did." Louis says. I look down. Wow, thats embrassing.

"Sorry you had to hear all that." I say, walking back into the room. Louis follows me in. 

"Its it?" Louis says. I stare at the ground. I didn't want to answer...becasue I really didnt know myself. I rubbed my face with my sweatshirt sleeve, trying in one last hope to make my face look a little more normal. I then realized that I was wearing the purple Jack Wills...the same sweatshirt that I had given Arianna with my number in. There was so much pain welled up in my chest, it hurt so bad to keep it in. What if she's gone? Forever? Louis was just staring at me, his eyes sad, a frown on his face. He scooted next to me on the bed and and put his arms around me in that tight hug that he always does when I'm sad.  I didn't say anything, and Louis didn't either, but he was conforting, becasue he's the first person to shown true concern for me...I feel like with everyone else, its not real, like they dont really care. But Louis does...and so does Arianna...well...she used to. Louis finally pulled his arms away and tired to make me smile.

"Harry, ready for shooting today? I'm sure it will be fun. Just make sure to not punch can punch that one short kid who plays the bully though..becasue he's annoying as shit off set." Louis says, smiling at me.  I smiled back, barely.

"Ok Louis, thanks for your permission." I say.

"Sure thing!" Louis says, then gets up off the bed. He holds his hands out to me to pull me up. I grab them and he yanks me to my litterally I think I was in the air for a second. I walk out into the kitchen, and try to get myself to eat something before I left, but I wasn't hungry, my appetite was completely gone. I changed into some better clothes and was about to head out the door, when I remembered that me and Arianna always drive together. I even pulled out my phone, but then realized that she probably doesn't want to drive with me.  I dont blame her. She probably hates me. I kept so many lies from her to protect her, but I realize now that they just hurt her, and theres no going back now. Susan is winning, completely. The thought of Susan made the saddness over Arianna, turn into pure hatred over Susan. I slamned the door behind me when I walked out and stomped down the hall. Its all Susans fault..everything! She made this happen to me, and shes stealing my girlfriend because shes jealous, but shes smart, and shes gonna get her way, because Arianna is letting her. I drove to the studio, a little too fast. I never drive this fast, and for a second I thought I had a cop behind me, which actually scared me half to death. I pulled into the studio, and parked the car. I didn't want to get out, maybe becasue I knew I would be facing Arianna again, and I didnt want to know the answer to everyones burning question. I was about to open the car door, when I looked in the rear view mirror, and my heart jumped a little. Arianna was walking in the parking lot, past my car. She didnt look up or even awknowledge my car, maybe she just didn't see it. I started to feel a familar feeling that I had on the X Factor, when I saw Arianna at the movie preimere......she seemed like that untouchable movie star again. My Arianna...untouchable. Without thinking I opened the car door, and slamned it shut. I actually didnt mean to slamn it, but it made a pretty loud sound, and Arianna shot around when she heard it. She was wearing dark shaded sunglasses....and I couldnt tell if she saw me, but she turned around and kept on walking. I walked a little faster, in a desperate attempt to catch up with her, not knowing what I would do if I did. She walked in before I did though...and I felt like I had just let her go.  I ran my hands through my hair and walked in the buliding after about 10 seconds. When I got into the lobby, she wasn't even there.

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