Chapter Fifty Five

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Harry POV

It was early in the morning when me and Louis drove down to the studio to get Arianna's car. It was just where she had parked it. I wanted to get it to her as soon as possible because I always felt like she had somewhere important to go.

"Hey Harry, how is Arianna, I feel like after that whole interview thing shes got to be a bit shaken up." Louis says as he parks the car. I sigh.

"Well she seemed really upset yesterday, but I think shes fine now. I really wanna go to Eleanors apartment and see her, but, I dont know." I say getting out of the car. "You can start driving to Ariannas apartment. Ill meet you there and we can leave after I drop of the car." Louis nods at me as I shut the door. Louis had been kind of acting weird all there was something on his mind. I turned around and looked through the dashboard at him. He was staring out the window, bitting his nails. He always does that when there something wrong. He caught me looking and he immediately gave me a big smile. I smiled back, then turned around. Yep...something was up. I got into Ariannas car with the keys she had given me and drove off towards the apartment following after Louis. It was a pretty short drive, but Louis took some weird way Ive never been before. We crossed over this little bridge, with a lake underneath. I never knew a bridge existed. Hmp. It looked kinda small and unstable, like it was going to give out when I drove over it. I hope Arianna doesnt take this way home....

When we got to her apartment, I parked her car nicely and got into Louis' car again.

"OK good can we go home now?" Louis asks.

"Yes, lets go." I say. "Hey you think I should text her that her car is at her apartment?"

"Um sure." Louis says. I pull out my phone and give her a quick text. I was hoping she would reply, but it was still pretty early she might be sleeping. But I immediately got a text back. I looked at my phone: "Call me" was all it said.

"Whats the matter?" Louis asks me. I must have looked worried.

"Arianna asked me to call her." I say selecting her number in my contacts.

"Harry?" She says when she picks up.

"Ya what?" I say, eager to know what this was about.

"Are you with Louis?" She asks.

"Ya why?" I say. I could hear Eleanor in the background. *"IM GONNA DIEEE*"

"Eleanor shush Im talking to Harry." Arianna says. "Ok sorry, so.." I cut her off.

"Woah what is going on here?" I ask, they were starting to worry me.

*"I REFUSE THIS IS SOO WEIRD!!*" Eleanor said.

"OK SHUSH! Let me tell them already." Arianna says. "OK SO...I guess this really doesnt effect you but....its too weird we had to share. Eleanor got a call from her modeling agent, and they said they wanted her to come in and do a photo shoot with his guy." She says.

"OK, I dont see a problem yet." I say.

"Can you put it on speaker?" Louis whines to me. I put it on and then wait for Arianna to continue.

'Well, there is a problem...the guy she has to do the photo shoot" I cut her off.

"Dont tell me its..." I say

"It is." Arianna replies. *"JASON FREAKING CHANCE ARE YOU KIDDING ME*" Eleanors whines completing the sentence for all of us. Louis litterally stops the car and grabs the phone.

"WOAH. Eleanor, you dont have to go to this, that guy is a creep!" Louis says. I hear some shuffling as Eleanor grabs the phone from Arianna.

"BABY SAVE ME!" She says.

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