Chapter Thirty Six

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Arianna P.O.V

       "Alright, now we cant go in the front door...I might see somebody I know." Harry says.

       "Well...I think thats the only door." I say giggling. 

       "Is not." Harry says grabbing my hand.

       "Where are we going?" I ask. He just motions for me to stay quiet. 

        "Harry theres nobody around to hear us." I say laughing.

        "Oh but there is." He says in a low voice.

       "And whos that?" I say, tripping over a rock. "Slow down, why are we going so fast?"

       "Because we dont want them to catch us." Harry says, rising his eyebrows.

       "Whos them?" I ask. Harry motions for me to stay quiet again. "Stop that, whos them?" I say loudly.

        "Quick behind that bush!" Harry yells. There was no bush.

          "What why? Wheres a bush?" I ask. Harry ducks down behind a little hill. 

        "Harry what are you doing? There is no one here!" I say laughing. He was bad at playing secret agent.

          "Get down," He says. "Ill go out to make sure everything is ok." Then he gets up, leaving me kneeling in dirt by myself.

         " go check it out." I say sarcasticly. "Harry where even are we?" I say looking around. The movie theatre was behind us, and we were far in the back in this little hilly area.

         "Alright!! Coast is clear!!" Harry yells. What a surprise. I get up and walk towards him.

        "Harry.....who are we hiding from?" I ask with a smirk. Harry just grabs my hand.

         "We have to hurry, theres a door down there we may be able to break into." He says.

         "I say we try the front door and call it a day." I say pulling him back around to the front.

       "Alright, but if we get caught, its your fault." He says, giving me one of those sexy half grins. I just shrug and keep dragging him along. He walked slow.

          "OK, now this is what I would have done." I say, as we walk towards the front of the theatre.

         "'So were just going to walk in the front door?" He asks.

          "Nope, you'll see. We just have to make sure no one sees you." I say, getting an idea. "Follow my lead." I take some sunglasses out of my pocket and shove them on Harrys face. "Keep your head down." I say.

         "What are you doing?" He asks.

         "Now if anyone asks,  we're movie critics and we were sent by...uhh...some company to watch a movie and see if it's good!" I laugh. The plan sounded great in my head.

          "Alright, we'll sneak in your way." Harry says giving me a wink. Then we both walk through the front door of the movie theatre. It was pretty empty inside, except for some random people walking out of a movie, and a worker at the ticket booth.

          "This will be easy." I whisper to Harry. I walk up to the man at the ticket booth.

          "Wait, Arianna...he's going to ask you for your....."

      "Card please mam." The man says. I frown at him. What does he mean card? My drivers license? Harry nudges me.

          "He wants your X Factor card, and they took mine away." Harry whispers. Crap, crap crap I dont have a card. I suddenly remembered I was an actress.

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