Chapter Sixty Eight

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Arianna POV

"I love you so much your the best!!"

"Im your biggest fan!!"

"Can you sign this, please?!"

I put on a fake smile for all the girls that were crowded around me. I was just trying to go to the Venetian to get my nails done, because my manager told me they needed to be more manicured for the movie. I wasn't expecting fans though...but I guess they could be anywhere really.

"Of course I'll sign it!" I say happily, taking a girls phone case. It was a picture of me and Jason from our last movie. I took out my sharpie that I always carry around, and sign Arianna in fancy letters. The girls squealed with excitement.

"Arianna, why don't you like Jason anymore?" A younger girl asked me. I looked down at her and frowned for a second. I then covered it up with a smile.

"I do like Jason!" I say, completely lying. "Hes my friend."

"But why arent you going out with him anymore?" A girl that was almost my age asked.

" It was a mutual decsion...we still like eachother though." I say. I realized that to them, me and Jason are their favorite couple, were like Bella and Edward from sounds wrong to say we dont love eachother. I tired to wrap up the conversation so I could get my nails done and leave. I was about to turn around and say goodbye.

"Why do you like Harry Styles?" another girl asked. I turned to face them...what does she mean why do I like him?

"Because hes sweet and cute and he loves me." I say, giving them a simple answer.

"But isnt he cheating on you?" The older girl says. Ok, now they were just starting to annoy me.

"No, he's not." I say.

"But their were pictures of a girl walking in and out of Harrys apartment, and the paperazzi said it was a girl Harry liked on the X Factor." She says. I stare at her. A girl Harry liked on the X Factor? I couldnt help but think of the girl that Louis told Eleanor about...what was her name? Susan.

"Susan?" I blurt out. I was surprised I was just getting them more curious.

"You know her?" The young girl says excitedly.

"No, I dont know her...and it probably wasnt her. Dont believe everything you see from paperazzi." I say, then walk into the nail salon. I knew they were staring after me, and I knew they had more questions....but I didnt want to hear them. I couldnt stop thinking about what they said though. Maybe this girl, was the person that Harry has been worried about,,maybe it was her that he was talking to in the bathroom. But why would he act so weird about it? If its just an old friend coming to visit him..whats the problem?

"Hello welcome to the Venetian are you here on appointment?" the lady at the front desk says, innterupting my thoughts.

"Um yes." I say.

"Name?" She asks.

"Arianna Arlington." I answer quietly. The lady looks up at me and smiles.

"I've seen your movies." She says.

"Oh, good, hope you liked them." I answer.

"I did, my 13 year old son has a big crush on you." She says. I smile. I loved getting attention, but right now, I just wanted to get my nails done. I wanted to talk to Harry. I havent really said much to him, since a couple days ago when he left my flat to rush back to his. I finally was lead back into a nice room to get my manicure, and the lady doing my nails didnt talk much...and I was glad for that. I started to think back to the story that Louis told Elenaor about this Susan girl. What if those girls were right? I mean not about Harry cheating on me...but about the girl walking into his apartment...

"You want your nails rounded or squared off?" the nail lady asks me. 

"Oh, uh..rounded is good." I say. I looked around, the place was pretty empty. But suddenly I heard the bell on the door go off, someone else was here now too. I hope it wasnt another fan. After about a couple minutes, a girl my age walked in and was seated pretty close to me at another station. We made awkward eye contact and I just smiled and looked down. But I could tell she was still staring at me. If she was a fan, she would have have freaked and and wanted my autograph...but this person....was litterally just staring at me. It was making me uncomforable. She was wearing a really cute outfit actually...but it was strangely too color coordinated. I glanced up at her again real quick, to see if she was still looking at me...she was.

"Hi." I say awkwardly. I mean...what else was  I gonna do...we both knew we were staring at eachother.

"Hello." She says back pleasently. I turn around to face forward again. okkkkk.

"You look familair." She says. I turn back to her.

"Maybe youv'e seen one of my movies." I say nicely.

"Oh." She says, still smiling. Then suddenly an odd look comes over her face. It was like a half frown half realization look. "Oh." She says more loudly. I just nod my head..and slowly turn around again.

"Your Arianna, arent you?" She says.

"Yes, I am." I answer, still trying to be friendly. She gets this grin on her face....

"Wow, what a concidence that I would see you here. Of all people." She says, more to herself.

"Ya..funny huh." I say.

"I have seen all your movies..and I loved them." She says.

"Oh good, glad you liked them." I say.

"Wow, you must be so be famous, wealthy, talented and beautiful." She says smiling at me. Wow..that was alot of compliments in one sentence.

"Thank you." I say...I was actually starting to like this girl. "Whats your name?" i ask

"Im Susan." She says. Susan. Huh. Thats funny. Of course her name would be Susan.

"Oh, well nice to meet you Susan." I say.

"You know...I want to be an actress too someday, but I could never get up the courage to do anything...even highschool plays." Susan says. I smile at her.

"Dont be afraid, go for..really!" I tell her. "I was scared too at first, but once you get the hang of it..its so much fun." i say.

"Your nails are done." The lady says to me.

"Oh thank you, I pay at the front desk right?" I say, getting up.

"Yes mam." She says. I was about to leave and say goodbye to Susan....but I didnt want to. We were getting in a good conversation...and I liked her.

"Hey you want to go to Starbucks with me? I was going to go after....but your welcome to come along." I say. Susan gets that grin again. Her grin reminded me of Zayns. It looked like there was something behind it. But I just shrugged that off.

" I would love to..Arianna." She says.

"Great!. I'll meet you there!" I say then walk out. Susan seemed like she really liked me...and I love talking about movies and acting. I'm sure Eleanor would love her too. I get in my car and start to drive to Starbucks.

Alright everyone...what do you think of this? Arianna ment Susan. Susan ment Arianna. But by accident? Or is Susan just a really good actress.....but how could she have known that Arianna would be at the Venetian? Who knows....and do you think that grin is innocent...or do you think Susan has something up her sleeve...something bad...and do you think its s good thing Arianna likes her? or a bad thing? She doesnt even think that shes Harrys Susan. Wow this is confusing..leave me a comment!


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