Chapter Sixty Six

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Arianna POV

I sat on my bed painting my nails a hot pink color while music blasted from my iPod speaker. It was around afternoon, and sun was finally shining for once in a long time. I started to think about Christmas, and how it was coming up soon. I was actually really excited about it. I already knew what I was going to get Eleanor...but what about Harry? Oh jeez...Harry. I was trying to block him out of my mind, by distracting myself with random thoughts...but it wasn't working, he was all I could think about. I flew backwards onto my bed, crashing into my pillow. I thought about confronting Harry with my whole theory that he was with Paris...but something was stopping me. I held out my nails in front of me and admired my work. It looked pretty bad...half of the paint missed my nail on multiple fingers. I can never do anything when I have too much on my mind. I really should be studying my script....but, I just wasn't in the mood. I sat up and picked up the nail polish bottle. I was trying to fix the bad nails, when a knock on the door made me jump, spilling a little of the polish.

"Shit!" I say, watching it splatter on my white bed spread. I quickly wiped it up with a tissue. I was guessing whoever at the door wasn't a good friend, otherwise they would have knocked again by now. I took my hair down from the messy bun, and went to answer the door, getting in my famousy mode...just in case in was an interviewer or something. I open the door and  I have to say I was not expecting to see Harry standing there, looking rather messy and he hasn't had a chance to rest in awhile.

"Harry? I didn't know you were coming over.." I say. He sighs..deeply.

"Ya well...I thought I would just..say hi." He says, kind of squinting his eyes.

"Well don't just stand there!" I say, laughing....walking inside. I assumed he followed me. I turned around and he was following..very slowly, and he was frowning. Something was up. He didn't just show up here to say hi. I went into my room and sat down on my bed, turning down the music. Harry stood in my doorway. I stared at him.

"OK harry..whats up. I know you didn't just come here to say hi." I say, still staring him down. He makes kind of a clicky sound with his tongue and comes over to sit with me on the bed.

" there any problem...that you want to tell me about..maybe." He says, looking at me hesitantly. I cocked my head to the side. Is he going to tell me that he is dating Paris and is breaking up with me? Maybe because hes realizing that I know whats going on. But I always assume way too much.

"Um..what do you..mean?" I say slowly. Harry nods his head slightly, as if he was agreeing to take a different approach.

"You seem kinda upset.....but maybe this is just me...I don't want to put feelings on you." he says. I didn't know if I should just tell him right now that I know. What if I'm wrong though? I would feel terrible. I wasn't responding...and Harry was seeming more uneasy as the seconds of silence ticked on.

"Arianna...Im not cheating on you with Paris Ruby." he suddenly blurts out. Hearing the name Paris shot sudden tears to my eyes..because I was waiting for it. I didn't notice he said "Im not"

"I knew it! All along Harry! I knew you were! So is this how your going to break up with me huh? So this is it?!" I say, standing voice rising. Harry looked completely shell-shocked and confused.

"What are you talking about?" He says, standing up with me.

"You just said it. Flat out. Your cheating on me with Paris Ruby." I say defiantly. Harry gets a look of pure "wtf"

"I said I wasn't Arianna, im not cheating on you with Paris...and I never was! Shes not even that pretty...Ari...why would I do that to you?" he says, his hands out in front of him. I stared at him.

" said your...not?" I say lowering my voice.

"Yes babe..I said I was not." he says. I felt so stupid...and horrible...and gullible...and judgmental....all at the same time. I don't know if it was because I had an overload of emotions..or if I was just happy to hear Harry say he wasn't cheating on me, but I broke out laughing.

"Oh my god Harry...Im so sorry!!" I say slamming my hands to my face. I saw him crack a smile.

"Are you insane or something?" He says pulling my hands away from my face.

"Harry...I thought you said you were...I feel like an idiot. Please scratch out what just happened from your memory..please." I say, crying and laughing at the same time. Harry laughs watching me do this.

"Babe..You actually gave me a complete heart attack....damn." He says shaking his head. I knew I was blushing from embarrassment...and pretty soon I felt Harrys arms wrap around me. He held me tight..and although he was laughing...I could feel his heart beating a mile a minute. I felt so bad for scaring him like that. We finally pulled away, and I collapsed onto my bed.

"Lets not do this again....ever." I say. Harry lays down next to me, stroking my hair and cheek with his hand.

"I agree Ari." He says...grinning down at me with that half grin thing.

"And to think this whole time I thought you had a thing with her!" I say.

"Really? Gosh Im sorry." he says

"I even thought the person you were talking to in the bathroom was her! Guess I was wrong." I say...then suddenly I felt my face get hot...remembering that Harry thought I didn't know. He looks at me with surprised eyes and sits up.

"Wait knew I was, on the phone?" he asks, suddenly getting nervous again.

"I heard you talking..thats the only way I knew..." I say... feeling like I was moving into some shady waters with this. Harry looks away and nods his head he was doing before. He then opens his mouth to say something..then shuts it again.

"What?" I ask. He sighs.

" want to know who I was talking to that day?" he says. I nod my head a little too excitedly.

"Well...I know you've heard of her before..but I don't really know her." He says. I turn my head deeply curious.

"Yeah..Anddd...." I say.

"Well its a really long story but, the thing is shes-" But he was cut off by a sudden phone call. He looked at me, then reached into his pocket to answer the phone. I looked to see the contact was Zayn. Harry answered the phone.

"Hello?" he says. The phone speaker was just loud enough so I could hear Zayn. And in a very deep and low voice, I heard him say-

"Harry...shes here."

OH DANGG!! OHHH DANNGG!! Susan has officially...made it to Harrys flat. So it looks like she wasn't kidding about coming...what do you think is going to happen? And Harry was about to tell Arianna! What do you think Harry will do now??? Leave me a comment!!!


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