Chapter Fifteen

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Arianna P.O.V

          "Alright, lets get down to business." The producer says as we walk into a conference room. I sigh and sit down next to my manager. There were some other random people in the room, they looked like security guards or something. "So I know you have been waiting eagerly to start this new movie." He says to me. I nod and my manager acted like he was going to say something when the producer interruped. "Now I need to get one thing straight with you." He says looking straight at me. "Alot of money is going into the production of this movie, and we want it to be the best it can be."

         "We understand the circumstances and are well aware of your companies money issues, so we are also relying on you to pull this through for Arianna." My manager says directly at the producer. He seemed a little taken aback. I don't think he wanted us to know about his companies soon to be debt. But he recovered and continued on.

         "Yes, well, we will all try our best. All I wanted for you to understand Miss. Arlington, that this is a very important movie.

           "I understand sir." I answer politley.

           "Good. Alright, lets move on." The producer says getting out a thick binder. "This is the script for the whole movie. This binder is yours to keep." He says handing it to me. 

              "Whats the Movie called?" I ask.

              "Guardian." He says. "Now let me just give you a summary on the movie and your character. You can read through the script later.

              "Alright." I say.

            "So this is a romance film about a girl who is timid and shy and emotionally unstable because she had abusive parents. Thats you." He says looking at me for a reaction.

                 "Ok, go on." I answer.

                 "Your name is Lucy Galloway. Got it? OK. You are a senoir in highschool and you constantly have flashbacks to your horriable childhood. So you are basicly an outcast who has no friends." He says. Gosh, I thought this was a romance film, not a film about me being a total loser. I was kinda hoping for a Notebook kind of romance. "You will soon meet another outcast that you quickly click with. This will be your lover." He says. "This will be a boy who is an orphan and lives under a bridge. The bridge will become the main place where you two fall in  love, and the last kissing scene will take place under the bridge. Thought you might just like to know that." He says. I smile, thats romantic, this will be cute, I thought. 

                "When will the casting for the other characters take place?" My manager asks.

                 "Starting Monday through Thursday." he answers. Wow thats in like a couple days, I thought.

               "Anyway, as I was saying the boy, whos name will be Jacob Walker, will tell you that he will always be your guradian and that he will take care of you, hense the name Guradian. He says he will show you the love you never recieved but so strongly longed for. In multiple scenes he will save you from danger. Understood?"

             "Yes, I just have a quick question. What...type of boy are you looking for for this role?"  I ask.

              "Well we want a tall, thin, young man, you know, the type that would live under a bridge. He should have longish hair and look mysterious, but friendly." The producer says. I smile, that sounds nice, I thought. "Alright, well thats the basic overview Miss Arlington and I look forward to working with you." He says shaking my hand. 

              "Thank you sir." I say standing up.

            "Oh I almost forgot," the producer says, here is you calender for the production of this movie. We want you to appear at the casting from Monday to Thursday. We want to see which young men would look good with you."

             "Oh of course, thanks." I answer.

             "So we will see you here soon." My manager says shaking the producers hand.

             "Yes, have a nice day." He says as we are shown out of the room. After we walk out my manager starts to talk to me.

                "So you think your up for another big production like this?" He asks

                 "Well its going to be alot of work," I say flipping through the huge binder, "But I think I can handle it." I answer.

               "Now I know the producer was a little pushy about how important this movie is, but its true. This movie is imporant to your career in many ways, so you have to try your best." He says to me.

               "Why wouldn't I? Don't worry about it, I got this." I say to him.

              "Alright, now are you drving home with Jason?" He asks.

             "Yes." I say sighing. I didn't feel like dealing with him.

            "Arianna why are you suddenly  dragging your feet about Jason? The romance you to have is part of whats saving your career, the fans love it. You need to be seen in public, I'm not making you do this for my own amusment."

           "Oh I know, I understand, Its just....hes been.. well, kind of difficult lately is all." I say.

          "Well Arianna, your a trooper, he'll cool off, don't worry." He says

         "Alright, see you on Monday." I call as I walk out the door, Jasons black Mustang was waiting for me. I was actaully surprised he showed up. I sigh as I walk up to the car, here we go again.

Ok so now you know all about Ariannas new movie. Now I'm going to need some stuff to happen to Harry to move the story along so this next chapter might be kind of long, but enjoy!

<3 1Dforever23


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