Chapter Twelve

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Arianna P.O.V

         "Dang It!" I yell, looking at the eyeliner smeared on my face.

          "Now what?" Eleanor calls

          "I can't seem to put on makeup today!" I say frusterated. Eleanor comes into the bathroom and laughs at me.

           "Arianna your a mess! Your hairs not even done yet!" She says sympathicly but I could tell she wanted to keep laughing.

            "I know! I just woke up late today and have been all messed up." I say wiping the eyeliner off my cheek. "You look great though." I say to Eleanor. She smiles.

            "Well thank you! Now let me help you get ready." She says. We were in Eleanors apartment trying to look great for the movies with Louis. I know I technically didn't have to look amazing, because this was really for Eleanor and Louis. I mean they were bascily going on a date and I was coming along. But I kind of have a hang-up about how I look. I always have to look great when I'm in public. I don't even care if I'm going to the grocery store. I guess its kind of weird, but I can't help it.  Eleanors starts to curl the ends of my hair while I retry with the eyeliner.

            "Did Louis say what movie we were seeing?" Eleanor asks me.

            "Nope, he just said he was picking us up at two." I answer. Then I think for a moment. "Louis wouldn't be stupid enough to take me to my own movie...would he?" I ask her. She laughs.

             "I don't think he'd do that. She says smiling.

            "Good, because that would be awkward." I laugh, putting on mascara now. I glance at the time. "Holy crap its 1:57 he could be here any minute!" I say quickly smacking on some lip gloss.

              "Your fine", Eleanor says, "your basicly ready." We both spray on some perfume, and take a step back to look at ourselves in the mirror. I was wearing high waisted pale pink shorts and a white blouse that tied in the middle. I had light pink wedges and my hair was curled towards the ends. I smiled I did look pretty hot. I took a look at Eleanor. She was wearing white skinny jeans tucked into low brown boots with a flowy flower top and a thick brown belt around her waist. She looked gorgeous. Louis would not be disapointed.

Harry P.O.V

          "Alright Harry, now just be yourself." Louis said to me as we drove up to Eleanors apartment.

           "I know, I know, but what if she.."

       "Harry!" Louis interupts me. "Just calm down. Be yourself, but dont be awkward. Just charm her and flirt like you do with every single other girl you meet. Just remember, shes no different." He says. Shes no different, I thought. Thats right. Shes just a girl, and just because shes famous doesn't mean shes robot or anything, so why I'm I so freaking nervous?....Oh thats right...because shes Arianna.

          "Ok I can do this, I'm totally fine!" I say. "Right Louis? I'm totally fine!" I say getting out of the car. I look at myself in the window of Louis' car. I decided to look casual. I mean, actaully I didn't. I wanted to dress up kind of, but Louis told me to tone it down. So now I'm wearing my Jack Wills sweatshirt and skinny jeans with my converse. I saw Louis looking at me.

         "Yes Harry you are totally fine." He laughs. "Now we better get our bums in here before we are late!" Louis says grabbing my arm. I try to smile to look friendly and walk with my chest out and shoulders back. Mom always told me to walk like that to look confident, because I always walk kind of slouched over.

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