Chapter Seventy Eight

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Harry's POV

"Oh my god, is he sleeping or what?"

"I dont know! Should we wake him up?"

" can."

"He looks soo hot when he sleeps."

"Shut up! You sound creepy!"

"Shit, I think hes waking up!"

I heard unfamilar voices around me, and I opened my eyes to the blaring light of the sun. I couldnt see anything for a second, and my mind was trying to figure out where I was.

"HI!!" A girls voice said. I blinked and finally two girls about 14 came into focus.I just stared at them blankly.

"I'm Elena!! Your Harry Styles. Wow are cute, can I have an autograph??" The blond one says excitedly. Shit. Fans. I sit up, brushing my hair to the side, trying to look normal. They were both staring at me expectantly.

"Uhh...yeah." I say. She  hands me her phone, and I take it from her confused.

"I dont need your phone." I say, still half asleep. She frowns then giggles.

"No, I want you to sign the phone case!!!" She says laughing.

"Oh." I say, then fumble around in my pocket for a pen. Wow, what do you know, I have one. I scribble out a very rough signature on her phone case, then hand it back. She takes it, and her smile wavers slightly looking at it.. Then both girls just stare at me again. I look down. 

"Are you ok Harry?" The brunette asks. I look up, and put on a fake smile for them.

"Yeah! Im great. Just great. How are you?" I say, sounding falsely cheerful. They smile again.

"Im good." The brunette answers. 

"Your a really good singer, I wanted you to win the X Factor, but you didn't, but thats ok." Elena says.

"Elena!" The brunette says.

"What?" She says frowning.

"Well anyway, Im Kira by the way, and we'll leave you so you can, uh..continue sleeping on a tree." The brunette says, giving me a confused smile. I just nod my head. They start to giggle. Kira then kneels down to me and gives me a hug. I wasn't expecting it, but I didnt pull away. In fact I actually liked it. The memory of last night and Susan and everything came flooding back, and the feeling of being alone became very real. I was glad the girls were here. Elena gave me a hug too, then they walked away, turning back and smiling at me as they got further and further. When they were finally gone, I decided to stand up. I was surprised that my legs werent as a sore and my head wasnt poundng as much. I actually felt more or less ok. Physically that is. I started walking again...not sure exactly where I was going or what I was planning to do. I can't run away from my life, I need to go back sometime. But I couldnt face Zayn, or Arianna....for awhile. I missed her with all my heart, but all I kept remembering is, she probably doesnt miss me. She doesnt love me like I love her. Suddenly the words Louis told me when I was going to try out for Arianna's movie came circling back. I remember the feeling of being so nervous and scared that even if I got the part, Arianna might not like me. You can't make someone love you. Thats what Louis had told me. It was probably the wisest thing that he said, and ever will say. Maybe all along I pushed her into the relationship, maybe I thought she loved me, but I was wrong. I started walking along side a road I didnt recongize, and I felt like a homeless person, trying to hitch hike a ride. Suddenly a honk sounded from behind me, and I litterally jumped. A noisy car sped past me.

"Get out of the road jerk!" some guy yelled out the wondow. OK. Im done here. Everything in world right now annoyed me. Stupid people. Stupid cars. I kept walking though, and suddenly the place I was at became very familar. It was the back road that Arianna always takes to get to her apartment. Up ahead I saw the old bridge. It wasn't as scary as when your driving. There were no cars, so I walked right in the middle of the road towards the bridge. I heard the sound of rushing water as I approached it. I stepped onto the rotting planks, and the whole thing seemed to creak beneath me. Damn. I couldnt believe cars actually drive over this. I can't believe me and Arianna actually drove over this. I walked out further onto the bridge, and leaned over the side. The drop was significantly bigger than I had thought it was, and the rushing water down below sent a shiver up my spine. I didnt want to be here anymore. I suddenly felt oddly threatened, and a bad feeling started to move all throughout my body. I turned around to leave, when something caught my foot, and I was sent face first into the rotting planks of wood. I cringed in pain and swung around to see what had tripped me, and I realized my foot had gone through the wood.

"Fucking shit!" I yell, trying to gingerly pull out my foot. The wood had cut me, and my leg was bleeding. I finally dragged it out, and just sat there, looking at the rather wide whole I had made. A car tire could get stuck in that. I sighed, and wondered why I had thought it was a good idea to walk on this damn bridge in the first place. I pulled my pant leg back down to cover up the cuts, not giving it a second thought, and got up. I ran off the bridge, carefully...if thats possible, and started to walk in the direction of Arianna's apartment. I wasn't going to go in, I just wanted to see the fancy fountain and white marbel statues that had amazed me when I came to Arianna's apartment the first time. But I knew that wasn't the real reason, it was the reason I was telling myself. I wanted to see Arianna, I wanted to look at her again. Even if she doesnt love me, I just want one last look at her. The pain in my leg started to go up my body, but I ignored it completely as I walked towards Indian Hill, the name of Arianna's apartment complex. Memories there suddenly started to flood my mind. They all seemed like distant moments now, that I was detached from. I wanted so badly to have back what I had only a day ago. I sighed, and continued down the road.

Alright, so it seems that Harry is going to Arianna's apartment. Do you think she will see him? Or you think he'll never go in? And what do you think about that bridge? Scary huh? I wonder if Harry will ever understand....Arianna definaltely loves him...but he doesn't think so. I think theres only going to be a couple chapters left now!! Leave me a comment about what you think will happen!! 


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