Chapter Thirteen

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Arianna P.O.V

         "Arianna get up." I heard a faint voice tell me. "Seriously you gotta be at the studio at 12:00." I reconized the voice as Eleanor then opened my eyes. "Oh crap." I said, remembering I was at Eleanors. "What time is it?"

           "Like 20 minuters to 12:00." She said jumping off the bed. I got up and went to the bathroom to put on my makeup.

           "So you excited?" Eleanor asked me.

           "I mean ya I guess. " I repiled. Today I was going to get the script for my new romance movie and learn more about it. I actually really wanted to film this movie, I just hoped the male lead is incredibly hot and theres alot of kissing scenes. But I was also nervous. My manager said that this movie was really important. It needed to reach the top of the charts for the sake of my career. I am doing pretty well, its just we keep having to remind people of my greatness so I stay famous if you know what I mean. I was told I can't mess this up because they invested alot of money into this. So i want to be excited, but I have to make sure the producers like me.

         "Alright Arianna...its time to tell was last night?" Eleanor questions. I suddenly remember Harry and  the movies. I look down and I'm still wearing his sweatshirt. I grin really big. "I saw that." Eleanor says giggling. " really like him?" I had to think about that. I mean I feel like I do, but I shouldn't. Hes...Harry Styles. And I'm in a relationship with Jason anyway, right?  But we had so much fun....

              "Ok thats a little too long of a silence, what are you thinking about? Eleanor asks staring at me.

                "Well...I don't know Eleanor. I mean I really like him and all, but I shouldn't." I said taking off Harrys sweatshirt.

                "What do you mean you shouldn't?" Eleanor asks confused.

                 "I don't really know myself, but he used to be an awkward kid I went to school with. I'm a movie star now, I should be dating movie star Jason."

                   "Arianna...have you forgotten, Harry is famous too now if thats all you care about." Eleanor says to me.

           "Thats not all I care about." I said, a little offended. "I just don't think its right...for some reason."

                   " have to listen to your heart, who cares if your a movie star, don't sterotype yourself. If you want to like a guy from grade school, go ahead and like him! And heck, hes not a guy from school to the rest of the world, hes a famous, hot, singer. And many girls would kill to be in your position. So stop thinking so hard." I stood there in silence for a moment. I wasn't expecting to get a lecture from Eleanor. 

                   "Eleanor, but thats just it. I don't even know myself if I like him, I guess I just....I don't know. It was all so sudden and weird. I never expected to have a random reunion with my old class mate and suddenty have feelings for him. I just need some time to think about it."

             "Alright, I guess I understand. I mean I would be a little stunned to. But anyway you gotta go." She says to me.

            "Ok, bye Eleanor. And I'm not saying I didn't have fun last night, because I did. Truely." Eleanor smiles at me. 

            "I had fun too." She said "And guess what?"


           "Louis asked me out, were offical."

         "Are you kidding? Oh my gosh Eleanor thats great!" I said giving her a hug. "I just wish my love life was as simple as yours. You liked a guy. You ment him. Now your dating." I said. Eleanor laughed.

          "Your making your love life complicated!" I'm telling you, listen to your heart. I'm serious." She said giving me a wink.

          "Okkk Eleanor. Bye!" I said running out the door. I was getting a ride with Jason to the studio. He wasn''t in the movie, but my managers said that its good be around eachother in public alot so people know were dating and lovey and everything. It gets us fans, so I go along with it. But I really do like Jason, he just gets on my nerves sometimes. I mean I know he really loves me. How could he not? I watched as Jasons Jet-black mustang pulled up in front of me.

         "Hey babe get in." He said. I opened the door and sat down. I looked at Jason. "Well don't I get a kiss?" He asked. I smiled and gave him a good one, not the quick or sloppy ones I usually give.

        "Woah. I want more of that." He said grabbing me. I pulled away.

        "Later Jason." I said sitting back down, "we have to go."

        "Its always later with you!" He snapped at me. I just stared out the window and didn't reply. He grunted and pushed down the pedel suddenly. I reached to put on my seatbelt, then suddenly thought of Harry and last night. I got an empty sad feeling. Harry felt like a good dream that I had just woke up from. I wanted it back, but he felt so far away. I glanced at Jason, he was angry and driving way over the speed limit. Harry smiled and laughed. I felt happy with Harry, I felt unsafe with Jason. But he loves me, he does. I told myself. He has to. We rode all the way to the studio in silence. When we finally got there I rushed out of the car.

          "Oh, uh, thanks Jason, for the ride." I said awkwardly waving. He grunted back and drove off, leaving me in a cloud of exhaust. I sighed and walked into the studio. I wasn't in th mood for being a movie star right now. I wasn't in the mood for acting, I wasn't in the mood for Jason. The only thing that was making me happy right now was Harry.

Alright so what do you think about Ariannas reaction to Harry and Jason? Do you think she really loves Jason? Or Harry? I wonder what Harrys thinking right now...we'll find out next chapter :)

<3 1Dforever23

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