Chapter Eight

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Arianna P.O.V

           "Yes, yes oh course I'll sign this darling!" I say in my best movie star voice. I scribble my fancy signature on a picture of me and Jason from the movie. I like that picture, we both look cute. Man how many people are here? This is going to take forever!

             "Hey babe", Jason whispers in my ear. "How bout me and you bag this joint." I laugh thinking he was kidding, then knowing Jason, relized he wasn't.

             "Jason! We are not leaving! This is our movie that we worked so hard on and these people are here to see it!" I say to him rolling my eyes. Jason doesn't say anything. More people start to approach us and Jason grabs my cheek and kisses me. The people explode. 

           "Awh! Arianna and Jason are the perfect couple!" A girl says. Then the crowd starts chanting "Jarianna" Jason and Arianna. Inside I totally gag. Ok enough with the cutesy stuff I thought. I really dont like how Jason will randomly grab me and expect a great kiss. Seriously, I've noticed he likes to play up our romance to the crowd., its getting annoying. Ill talk to him about this later. But for now I have to act all happy and in love with Jason. Being famous can be hard sometimes. The crowd starts to slow down because people are entering the theatre to watch our movie. Finally. This is a huge theatre so all of the rooms right now are showing our movie. It was really quite exciting. I looked over at Eleanor and relized she had a little crowd. I laughed, she was loving this. Suddenly I remembered Louis and that band. Where are they? Eleanors going to be disappointed if she doesnt see them. Suddenly the guys below her feet were ushered into the movie theatre by security guards and Eleanor comes running over to my table in her blue stilettos. 

             "Arianna! Isn't this amazing!" She says giving me a hug.

              "Ya is great! I mean can you believe how many people showed up?" I say. I look at her and  relize shes no longer looking at me, but at guy at another table....wearing stripes..."Omigosh!" I say standing up. "Its Louis!"

              "I know! Isn't the most hot, sexy thing you've ever seen?" She says. I mean I had to admit, he was pretty hot. I look at the other boys sitiing at the table.

               "Are all those other guys the rest of One Direction?' I ask.               

              "Yup!" she answers.

              "Well..." I say .What the crap are you waiting for El? Go talk to them!"

               "I can't! she says. "I wouldnt know what to say!"

               "Oh Eleanor stop that you know your gorgeous, what are you worried about?" I ask. I totally forgot about Jason at this point, I turn to look at him and relize hes gone. Wow. As soon as the bulk of the crowd leaves he doesn't have to play romeo and juliet anymore. He ditched me. That pisses me off.

                   "Arianna could you come with me to talk to them?" Eleanor pleads. "Your like the big star  here and I would feel more confident if you came over with me....please?"

                   "Eleanor the security guards probabaly wont let me leave this table." I reply

                   "But...but..could you just askkk??" She whines. I sware sometimes with Eleanor I feel like a little school girl again trying to flirt with a crush. I smile at her, I kinda wanted to meet these guys too.

                   "Alright, I'll ask." I say walking up to my security guard. "Excuse me, would you let me walk to that table over there just to talk to those boys? It would only be a second." I ask. The guard stares at me, then Eleanor, then the boys.

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