Chapter Seventy Three

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Ok so I know how I always do Harrys POV then Arianna's POV but for this chapter im just going to continue with Arianna right now because nothing really can happen with Harry just yet but don't worry Harry will definitely be the next chapter!! Thanks everyone and enjoy chapter 73 :)

Arianna POV

The car ride seemed to go on forever. I was actually starting suspect that Susan took a detour instead of driving straight to the movies...because I was in that car for almost 40 minutes.

"Um you think were there...yet?" I ask, not trying to cover up the annoyance in my voice. These two boys were about to push me over bored here, and I was done pretending that I was enjoying this.

"Yes, were here right now!" Susan says cheerfully. I look out the window and realize that were not pulling into a movie theatre. We were pulling into some gravel parking lot, with a shitty looking building and thatched-roof. It looked like it was someone's really giant trailer. Loud people were everywhere....some outside...some walking in. They looked like trashy girls in jean shorts and tie offs, and drunk boys in wife beaters and bandanas around there head like a gang. I looked at Matt and Brian, to see if they were surprised too, but they weren't.

"Susan what is this, I thought you said we were going to a movie theatre?" I ask her, trying to free my arms from underneath me. It sounds stupid, but I actually ended up sitting on my hands so the boys couldn't touch them....which they had been trying to do the whole car ride. Susan parks the car without answering me. I looked out the window at the building again. I got one of those creepy feelings suddenly...something bad was going happen. I look up at Susan again.

"Susan?" I ask her.

"Were at the club, where  said we were going, what's the problem?" She asks sweetly, taking the keys out of the car and turning around to look at me. I actually stared at her 5 solid seconds. 

"Um..what?" I say frowning.

"Lets party!!!" Brian yells, getting out of the car. As soon as he got out I leaped out as well, I needed to get out of this car or I was going to explode. Matt got out, then Susan, a smirky smile on her face. I then got a good look at her outfit. It was sexy....trashy sexy. She was dressed in a jean skirt and small crop top with a bandeau underneath. She was wearing high heeled boots that cut off at the ankle. I was wearing leggings and a hoodie. I thought we were going to the movies. 

"Susan you told me we were going to the movies...not a club. Im not dressed for this, plus I have a" I say, Susan frowned ever so slightly when I said boyfriend.

"Did I tell you that? Im so sorry. I must have mistaken. We were going to the club all along. But you don't have to dress up for this place. A lot of people just call it the Love Shack." Susan says. Matt and Brian start to walk in ahead of us.

"Love the song?" I ask.

"I don't know... maybe this was the Love Shack for the song." She says giving me a smile I did not return.

"Hey Matt, Brian! Get back here!" Susan yells at them like children. They come back reluctantly. I was starting to get the impression that Brian and Matt weren't Susans friends...but payed little henchmen sent to carry out some dirty job. I think It had to do with me. I was about to say something, when Susan grabbed my arm, and dragged me towards the door. We met Brian and Matt halfway, and Susan....almost forcefully shoved me into them. Brian ignored me, butt Matt took my hand and smiled down at me. I tried to give him a nice smile back...but I feel like it looked more like a frown. I didn't realize the extent of the situation I was getting into, until we walked into the doors. It was dark.....and loud...and the whole place smelled so bad I had to hold my breath. There was an over-powering smell of a hard liquor smell that turned my stomach. People were everywhere, loud music blasted from all sides. Tall speakers stacked the walls. Really dirty songs were playing too. I think I heard the words "Fuck and Sex" about 5 times per second. I thought I was all bad ass for sneaking into that one club with Eleanor Louis and Harry...but that wasn't a bad place at all. This was the definition of danger. It was drinking at its worst, and had illegal written on every wall and face. I suddenly got very scared, and grabbed tightly ahold of Matts hand. Matt looked at me.

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