10- Punishment

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  While eating icecream and walking with Yunji in the street, Seokjin felt huge happiness overcoming him. Him who had never felt comfortable at all near anyone other than Namjoon.

  Talking about ice cream, he was taking a risk, but told himself just one ice-cream in a while wouldn't hurt and chose his favourite flavour which was vanilla, while Yunji chose caramel.

  There was a moment they looked at each other, Yunji blushed and accidentally swallowed a massive ice-cream bite, triggering her to cough. All because he smiled at her.

"Are you okay?" Seokjin laughed and patted her back.

"Yeah I'm good, thanks." She spoke, smiling shyly after the coughing stopped. But then, she shut her eyes tight in pain, placed her hand on her head and yelped.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Brain freeze!!!"

  Seokjin couldn't help but burst out laughing again, he almost panicked over a brain freeze.

  Things were going wonderfully, even if Seokjin had few breathing difficulties that night, it was okay, for the first time since a long while he felt really really happy. They even smiled to each other at their eye contact the next day.

"Good morning." Greeted the female cheerfully, and got a similar answer from him. "What are you up for today?"

"Nothing special." He sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "What about you?"

"I'm making cookies after school, drop to my house in the evening so I can give you some." Yunji proposed with a smile.

"Really? You don't have to."

"I've decided so, so I'm for real." Proudly did she declare.

"Thank you." He smiled warmly, burning her fragile heart and cheeks.

"Y-You don't have to thank me over everything..."

"I thank you when you're good to me, that's not just anything." He answered her. "It means a lot to me, more than you can imagine."

"Well then... No problem!" Yunji cheered happily, deeply touched by his few words. Seokjin drew a wide smile.

  School ended in a blink and Yunji stood at the school entrance, waiting for Seokjin to come out as well so they could go home together. Namjoon was there, after thinking he'd find his brother at the entrance.

"Where's Seokjin?" Namjoon asked, turning his head to the girl with long hair.

"Still inside." She gave him a direct answer. "I'm waiting for him."

  They didn't know about what was happening on the other hand.

  Seokjin harshly was thrown inside a classroom, that one last student inside flinched and gave Yoongi a fearful glance.

"Get out of here, and don't say a word about what you saw or you'll get worse than him." Yoongi threatened.

  The student quickly walked out of the class, not having the courage to say even a word. Seokjin hated people, so much even, every single classmate he had knew that Yoongi hardcore bullied him.

  That wasn't a matter of a little stupid bullying, it was a major bullying that reached the level of violence. But no one of them cared, nor tried to help him once, nor even told anyone about it. Everyone feared Yoongi, and that was no good to him.

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