13- Exposed

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  Two heads turned around, their eyes searching for a possible sound source, which was none other than Seokjin

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  Two heads turned around, their eyes searching for a possible sound source, which was none other than Seokjin. Yunji felt chills running down her spine when her eyes landed on his state. He was on his knees, hand on his chest and coughed violently.

  Seokjin, on his side, didn't know what to do. He knew it was the beginning of a serious attack, but it was everything but the right time for it, and he didn't know what to do to make it stop. He knew Yunji was there and was going to find out if ever if doesn't get out right away.

"Seokjin what's wrong? Are you okay?" Asked Yunji while rushing towards him, her presence only made it harder for him to control himself or calm down. Yoongi crossed his arms and smirked at the sight of his rival's vulnerable state. "You weren't looking okay from the beginning. You shouldn't have done this..."

"I-I'm fine..." Hardly did he stutter between his heavy breaths and managed to get up on his feet after a struggle. He wanted nothing but to leave that sport hall and hide in a random classroom to try and treat himself before it was too late. Forcing his feet to move forward, he walked fast and unsteadily towards the exit door.

  He was doing all good, he was approaching the exit door and Yunji didn't go after him. Until he suddenly felt as if something blocked his foot from moving forward. Helpless, Seokjin stumbled and fell to the ground with a loud thud, followed by Yoongi's laughter. It turned out to be Yoongi's idea to put his foot on his way.

"Hey! What was that for?!" Yunji scolded giving the older a shocked look.

  Seokjin coughed harder and tried to lift himself back on his feet, unfortunately no energy nor strength was left in his legs, he couldn't stand up even with Yunji's help. He felt shameful, so shameful, he never wanted anyone to see him like that.

"Seokjin are you okay?" She shook his shoulder as his he lowered his head and took more hard inhales, attempting to breath again. "What kind of question is that, you're obviously not okay! What's wrong? Where are you hurting?"

"Oh come on dude. Stop being so dramatic." Yoongi scoffed while approaching the two. "You lost, just accept it. It's not the end of the world."

"Yoongi shut up!" Yunji scolded angrily, taking Yoongi aback with her tone. She then turned her attention to the one in front of her and talked softly, his trembling hand in hers. "Seokjin let's go to the school nurse, you look terribly sick."

"N-No..." He stuttered shakily, trying to get rid of Yunji's hand in order to prevent her from sensing his body's high temperature or his crazy heartbeat on his wrist. "I'm okay..."

  Going to the school nurse was the last thing he wanted to happen. They would probably find out about his condition and send him to the hospital. They might even tell Yunji about it and that was a fear to him.

  He needed to stay away at all costs, but what could he do?

  Yoongi watched the situation for a while then sighed in frustration, and finally decided to make Seokjin react to him so that Yunji wouldn't worry anymore.

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