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HAH! You thought! You just thought I would leave this precious book behind because of school? well... hell is not over yet :D

Go ahead

  The long-haired young girl needed to take that deep breath while standing in front of the door that was kept closed for so long, before her hand took a light grip of the sliding door handle and slowly slid it open, making a pleasing sound which a little bit comforted her.

  Coming in with nervousness killing her slowly inside. She was supposed to come inside with Namjoon by her side, not alone, but he preferred to stay with Hoseok and know more about what the in the world happened few hours ago.

  With a little bit of logic, he was right. How was Jin able to walk out of his room after just waking up except if he was already awake...?

"That's a valid suggestion too..." She thought to herself.

  But her mind wasn't capable of taking any more information in, the facts he was awake and stable were the two only facts she cared about at the moment. So she refused to stand still any more seconds, but still didn't expect Namjoon to choose to stay.

  Looks like he really hated to prejudge, must have had something with that too...

  She sneakily peeked her head inside the room, trying to get an eye on Jin in which she succeeded.

  He looked just like before... just like she last saw him two weeks ago... motionless, pale, tired, breathless, eyes closed. His limp skinny body was hooked up to the exact same wires and machines, and he was still breathing though the oxygen mask.

  Yunji was obviously no doctor and no medicine student, all she could recognize was the IV drips attached to his right arm, and the heart monitor connected to his finger. The room echoed no sound except the loud but stable heart monitor beeps.

  She took her chance to walk inside as Jin didn't seem to be awake currently. Dragging her feet closer to stand next to him,

  Her eyes fell on his peaceful sleeping face, she almost believed that he was still in that coma and all what happened was nothing but a hallucination...

Wait... What if that was it?

  All that time she was hallucinating? Jin never woke up actually?

  If it wasn't a hallucination... Why does he look just the same as before.

  But if it was a hallucination, how the hell is she allowed into his room.

"Oh God this is truly confusing..." She lowly muttered, chuckled at herself and brought a hand to her forehead. "I can't even confirm if I've seen something or not..."

Heart Disease //KSJ//Where stories live. Discover now