24- Stroke

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Long chapter: take your time reading it

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Long chapter: take your time reading it

"Yunji..." His soft voice.


  A windy atmosphere came by, playing with the girl's hair gently while she stared at the guy standing in front of her with a smile which rather looked broken than anything else.

"I was wondering..." He uttered again.

"Jin..." was all Yunji could say, questioning the fact he was there.

"Will you help me through this?"

  His words shocked her but not as much as when he vanished from her sight like if he was a ghost, the only thing she could see now was blood.

"If I tell you...?"

  Lots and lots of blood, so much that it made her want to puke.

"What's going on...?" She mumbled.

"I can't breath..." His voice was once again heard, lower and weaker than before, making jolt her head up, looking for him.

"Where are you?!" Yunji shouted and looked around as she could clearly hear him, but couldn't see him anywhere.

"Save me..." A whisper.


  The last shout came out so loud and echoed repeatedly in the endless horizon. Although the Azalea scenery was wonderful yet the flowers themselves were painted in blood.

A blood garden.

  Suddenly, Yunji was in her room, on her bed, panting and tears streaming down her cheeks, her hands were shaking as they gripped onto the fluffy pink sheets.

"What the hell was that again..." She mumbled, her hand covered her mouth while it let out heavy breaths. "Why do I keep on seeing him like this when I sleep?"

  His smile kept on popping in her head, making her want to cry again, but she held it all in, wiping every single tear that escaped and straightening her face, trying to make herself believe that it didn't hurt her at all if he left her.

  She tried her best, but she just couldn't keep a straight face, she missed him. She missed his funny jokes, and his even funnier laugh, his goofiness, his smile.

  She missed hugging him and hiding in his broad shoulders, holding his soft warm hands, ruffling his fluffy hair, pinching and kissing his soft chubby cheeks.

  She missed running around with him, hanging out with him, goofing around with him, practicing piano with him, cooking with him.

  She missed him more than anyone else on the planet, even more than her own parents, she had to admit it.

She wanted him back... but what could she do?

  She tried to talk to him several times but he never listened, let alone listening to Yoongi... right?

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