31- Trauma

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  To say that Seokjin was doing well after his father's funeral, he was in permanent sadness and depression, he had stopped eating his meals and spent sleepless nights

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  To say that Seokjin was doing well after his father's funeral, he was in permanent sadness and depression, he had stopped eating his meals and spent sleepless nights.

  Seokjung and his mother were getting extremely worried over him, as all these were also making his physical health keep going downfalls. He wasn't recovering at all, he was supposed to be able to remove the breathing mask within two weeks but now it had been almost a whole month and he still had breathing difficulties.

  He would cough all the time and nonstop, sounding as if choking, if ever the mask removed from him. Looking permanently pale and exhausted, never leaving bed even after getting discharged, his fever never cooling down.

"Eat up Seokjin-ah." The eldest smiled at his sick brother, holding a spoonful of warm soup in front of his lips, hoping he would see them part this time. "Come on Seokjin-ah... open up so hyungie can feed you."

"I'm not hungry." Weakly whispered his brother.

Wow he talked...

"Don't say that Jin-ah I know you're hungry!" He insisted. "Don't you wanna become strong again? And get rid of this fever? And the mask? Would Papa be happy to see you like this?"

  Seokjin looked up at his hyung slowly but said absolutely nothing and remained silent, staring deadly at his hyung's eyes.

"Papa protected you, it wasn't your fault if he passed away okay? Papa will be very sad if he saw you like this after protecting you right?"

Silence... But his eyes said it all.

"Hmm? This warm delicious soup will help you become strong again and leave this boring bed!" Seokjung cheered, in hope of convincing his little brother to eat for once. "Come on eat up."

Silence... then a huge party in Seokjung's heart started when he saw his brother's small mouth opening. He hurried to bring the spoon inside his mouth so the other could sip his soup.

"Good Seokjin!" The eldest encouraged, hand on his brother's shoulder. "Few more spoons and you'll be all good for today, okay?"

"I..." Uttered the child but didn't finish.

"You wanna say something baby?" Seokjung asked with eyes filled with love and care.

"I s-should have listened to y-you..." As soon as Seokjung heard his words he immediately shushed him and pulled him into a warm hug.

"Don't you say it again... I told you it's not your fault... nothing in this whole story is your fault okay? You're fine." He whispered softly in his brother's ear. The latter's tears made their ways down his cheeks. "Just... just eat well and take your medicine so you recover, okay?"

  He felt his small head giving him a nod in his chest.


"Six months Jin... It's been six months... isn't it enough...?"

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