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  There was no point of going to school before fully recovering from his flare-up, and Seokjin knew that

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  There was no point of going to school before fully recovering from his flare-up, and Seokjin knew that. There was a high chance for his condition to get worse during the day, probably that would attract attention which was a thing Seokjin saw as a nightmare.

  Despite the boredom he was feeling during his days staying at the hospital then home alone with Mrs. Kim, he didn't argue much and waited impatiently for Hoseok to give the green light.

  A week that was, as promised, and Seokjin left the house in his school uniform with Namjoon.

  As Namjoon went to class first, Seokjin started looking for Yunji.

  He didn't know why he was looking for her particularly, there was no precised reason to look for her, but he kind of wanted to see her that day.

  He walked around, reminding himself hundreds of times to get himself together and not let strong feelings overcome him.

  As he came in the school back court he finally saw Yunji which made him smile, but his smile faded when he realised that she wasn't alone.

  She was sitting with the person he despised the most, the not-only person who had absolutely no mercy on him. Probably she didn't know about that, which was good news, she should never know.

  Seokjin clenched his fists tight and confidently approached them, not pausing nor slowing his pace until he was standing in front of them, doing his best to keep his breathing even.

"Oh Seokjin!!" Yunji greeted with an excited smile, feeling happy to see him again, while Yoongi let escape a mocking sneer.

"Hi Yunji." Seokjin exclaimed, trying to seem as excited as her, and waved his hand.

"How have you been?" Smile still on, she asked.

"Pretty good. Let's head to the classroom, like we always do." The last few words were uttered while Seokjin's eyes turned to Yoongi's dark ones, filled with... hatred.

"Excuse you." The older one mocked, the voice which Seokjin despited the most. "Can't you see we're talking?"

And here we go again...

"The bell is about to ring." He said calmly, his calm voice sort of surprising Yunji.

"It didn't yet." Mumbled Yoongi, his voice sounded low in a scary way.

"But it's about to." The other answered the same way.

  Silence took place after what Seokjin said, both of the two rivals eyeing each other, their eyes dripping fat hatred, despise and anger drops. From Yoongi's anger fuming face, Seokjin was sure he was going to dearly pay for this... but not now.

  Yunji, on her side, didn't know what to do. Her two friends were staring at each other as if they going to pound on each other. The silence lasted a bit longer, the only thing breaking being Yoongi taking a glance at his watch.

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