41- Stay With Us

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"No..." Whispered Yoongi, fearing he would hear him.

  He noticed Yunji looking at what or who was behind him, a person silhouette standing above his death.

  His hand grasped on her face, covering her mouth which almost let out a loud shock gasp, which was understandable.

  Yoongi shushed, finger on lips, wide eyes glued to Yunji's pale face, and the latter nodded her head, understanding that she will have to be sneaky.

"Don't worry I'll do something..." He mouthed to her and immediately turned to his direction, and on tippytoes did he approach the rooftop edge where his old friend was choosing between life and death.

  He quickly took his shoes off for being too noisy, not wanting Seokjin to hear him or hear anything that make suspect that he's not alone.

  They might be wrong, Seokjin might choose life and back off last minute. But that was a risk, a huge risk to take. As long as he could change his mind, he could also remain on his decision and jump to his death.

  But what was certain, Seokjin seeing Yoongi was more likely to make him jump. Knowing his personality, he hated attracting attention to himself, and he might not want to have done all that fuss for nothing.

  Yoongi approached quietly, trying to hurry before Seokjin could catch him off-guard. Yunji in the back, hands on mouth, not knowing what to do except watch and wait to see if her boyfriend was leaving her or not.

  Finally, Yoongi was standing right behind him, close enough to hear his shallow breaths. Without any more patience or time-waste, he wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him back to the rooftop, with a little bit of force not to lie.

  The older one heard a loud violent gasp escape Seokjin's mouth, and could swear it was going to leave him with breathing troubles.

  Everything happened so fast, no one got to fully understand what was going on.

  The only thing Yoongi was sure of was that he saved his childhood friend. The only thing Seokjin was sure of was that someone saw his suicidal side. And the only thing Yunji understood was that the two boys were suddenly on the floor.

  Seokjin was motionless on the cold ground, his limp head rested in Yoongi's arm who protected it from the fall. Yunji's legs crumbled and let her fall on the floor, tears of relief streaming down her face, relief that her boyfriend didn't manage to commit what he wanted.

  It was when the heart patient's arms moved that Yoongi's red alarm rang, he immediately took a tight hold of him and pulled his upper body into a sitting position so he could catch his breath.

"Are you alright?" He asked, looking at his pale deadlike face, hands tightly clasped on his shoulders. "Did the fall hurt? Did you hit your head?"

  Seokjin said nothing, and quietly stared at the older one, who found a synonym of emptiness in his sparkleless hazels.

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