I'd Say Good Luck (you'll need it)

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Idea By: Kitty (Me)

Salt: Lie-la Salt, Alya Salt, Class Salt, Chloe x Tim

Well you know what happened, everyone except Chloe, Aix, Max, and Juleka abandoned Marinette for a liar(only within the class). Well, behold what happens when a collection of people are mad about this!

Lie-la POV:

Hah, I got rid of my only competition! The class is mine and will believe everything I say! Soon enough I'll get Adrien to marry me and become rich and famous! The best part is everyone will be cheering me on!

Chloe POV: 

I won't stand for Mari-bug being bullied! Luckily, my boyfriend is a superhero and a hacking genius! I'll be able to get these idiots to see what they did and no one can stop me! But first, I have to explain this all to Tim. 

~One vat of coffee and text message later~

Done, now all I have to do is wait!

Tim's POV:

This is a first, Quennie asking for help, now that is new! When I told everyone about it they were on board since apparently, I'm the only person who didn't know Chloe's friend was MDC. Eh, the more you know I guess. After a bit of hacking, I made all the security cameras send any footage of Lila Rossi and Marinette together to immediate broadcasting in Paris. It should be enough to get the school sued.

~Two days later~


After some time Marinette and Lie-la were in the same room. Alya did some yelling and then punched Marinette. The News Station couldn't do anything about that since hacking does things. Then the entire world finds out about how Lie-la threatened Marinette but the class supported the apparent "famous" brunette. Well, they also figured out Marinette's full name and figured out MDC. Well, guess which school got destroyed by millions of lawsuits. Guess whose blog was trashed. Guess which fashion business was utterly destroyed by the millions of angry people! Well, they all deserved it! Good Luck to people who harmed Marinette, they will have their metaphorical ships sunk in literal days if not hours.

Word Count: 344 Words

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