A Triple Date

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Prompt by: Mysticfashion
Prompt: Cool! if you are taking requests so can you do a oneshot where Marinette and Adrien are secretly dating after a reveal and they team up with Kim, Alix, and Chloe, and Nathaniel who weren't under the spell of the liar? Kim is called Monarchape, Alix is Bunnix, Chloe is Sweet Pollen, and Nathaniel is Fire Fox. The class was going to hang out without the trio but catch them together on a triple date!

Salt/ships: Adrientte, Chloe x Nathaniel, Kim x Alix, Lila Salt, Alya Salt, Class Salt

It's been a while since the accident. A mind Akuma somehow revealed the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir to each other without getting the information for himself. The Miraculous cure didn't remove their memory either. They were a bit surprised at first but then started dating. They didn't tell the class simply because most of them were under the spell of Lila Rossi. It had gotten so bad that Marinette had to take away Alya's hero status and give it to Nathaniel. 

After Lila pushed Marinette down the stairs and lied saying "Marinette tried to push me and I moved out of the way causing her to fall" Adrien snapped. He begged Marinette to let some friends in on the secret other than Nathaniel. Tikki agreed worrying her chosen would be harmed if she didn't have more people to protect her. That's how Bunnix, Manarchape, and Sweet Pollen joined Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Fire Fox as permanent heroes. They all agreed knowing each other's identities would be better for planning.

After a bit, Kim and Alix started dating, and the two couples set up a date for their bee and fox to fall in love. It went well and a ship had sailed! Of course, the class didn't know anything about this since they wouldn't take it well that the people they hate(Exception of Adrien) are happily in relationships. The one who would react to this the worst would be Alya since she already is mad that she got replaced as a hero...

Alya: I can't believe it! Ladybug replaced Rena Rouge with some Fire idiot! Rena was the first ally she had and Ladybug just replaced her!

Lie-la: Maybe I could go ask LB for you. You know, since I'm one of her closest friends!

Mylene: Maybe she was worried about Rena. Then she found someone who didn't pose the same worry.

Alya: Are you saying Rena Rouge is weak! You don't know anything about her!

*The Miraculous squad walks in*

Adrien: Maybe you should mind your own business when it comes to who LB chooses. She is protecting us and we should trust her judgment when it comes to her allies.

Lie-la:*Wraps hands around his arm* Adriboo try to be more sensitive, Rena was Alya's favorite hero so she is bound to be like this for a while.

Adrien: Lila, please let go of me and call me by my actual name.

Alya: That is no way to talk to your girlfriend Adrien!

Adrien: She isn't my girlfriend, as of now I see her as an acquaintance more than anything.

Alya: But you guys would be- there's an Akuma attack!

Adrien: *Runs away to transform*

~After the Akuma attack~

Alix: We have time, why not do a triple date at Andre's?

Kim: I'm in!

Chlo&Nath: We're coming!

Adrien: I don't see why not.

Marinette: We all need a break anyway, I'm in!

~With the Liar squad~

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