I love you so I'll let you go(Other POVs)

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Prompt by: Kitty(Me)

Ships/Salt: DJWifi, Adrinette, Lukanette, Adrien Salt(Barely)

BA= Before Akumatization/ DA= During Akumatization

Juleka's POV(BA):

Ugh! Why in the world would Adrien try to keep Luka and Mari away from each other! It's not like they see each other as more than friends. He straight up played at Marinette's weaknesses just to make sure Luka doesn't come! What does he see in Luka that makes him "so bad" for Mari?!

Adrien's POV(BA):

All I want to do is be friends with Luka but all he ever does is hang out with Princess. It's like the only reason he talks to me is to get close to Marinette! I know everyone else says they are just friends but I can't help but feel overprotective. I feel bad that I was taking advantage of Mari when it came to Mannon but I was worried it would end up being a date and Luka would try something crazy! Now with Juleka acting so cold toward me, Father might put me back in homeschooling since I "am ruining the family name". I really hope that Luka backs down.

Alya's POV(BA):

Finally, Mari and Adrien are together! The only downside to the new is the fact Juleka has been more distant towards Adrien. I wonder if she is just shy around famous people and that got to her or, some tea needs to be spilled. I guess I just have to wait and see...

Mari's POV(DA):

No, no, no! If I am in this deep sleep there will be no more Ladybug! No Ladybug means no one to purify the Akuma! What's worse is that True Love removed all my senses so I have no idea what is going on! I hope Tikki and Master Fu can fix this...

Plagg POV(DA):

What is with the kid now? He finally got his princess and now all he does is model work and spend time with his friends! We rarely get to talk now, I need more camembert! Still, the bluenette is very important to him... I will do my best to help him win this weird competition!  

Alix's POV(???):

Great! The boy is always being selfless and giving to others chooses now of times to be selfish! I can see and change time, not turn it back! This is the hardest mission Ladybug ever gave me. Wait, it's happening... 


Alix: Ohhh, this happened, ok here is what Ladybug said...

Word count: 411 words

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