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Idea by: Kitty (Me)

Salt: Class Salt, Adrien Salt, Bustier Salt, Alya Salt, Lila Salt

Wanna know what happens when your mother is a martial arts master in disguise and you get tripped down the stairs? She teaches you martial arts and you become a master of it as well. Marinette wanted to keep her ability a secret but a certain love-sick man keeps sending evil butterflies and a certain class keeps expecting free(you pay them for their protection if we want factual stuff) bodyguarding. Apparently, a bunch of villains find teens the perfect hostage so Marinette's reflexes kinda go off like an alarm. After some time she basically is taken for granted except for Chloe and Alix(The rest of the school minus the principal are with Mari don't worry)

Mr. Evildoer the 3rd(Hawkmothy what kind of books do you read to find names like that?): I WiLl ShOw YoU ViLlanS DeSerVE LUv ToO. BuT FiRsT, I MuSt HaVe HoStaGE tO KeEP mE SaFE.

Alya: Marinette get him!

Mari: Fine*Knocks him out* I'm going to the bathroom*leaves*

LB: Sorry I'm late I was on the other side of town and I just checked the news. /POV: Let's see if they will even give credit/ Why is he knocked out?

Alya: That doesn't matter Ladybug, I need to interview you! Tell me about you and Lila!

LB: Alya, I don't have time to do on the spot interviews anymore now that Hawkmoth is getting more and more dangerous. I only do interviews with Nadia and another blog now. Who is Lila, I've never heard of her? Besides, if we knew each other personally she would've never mentioned it. Now I have to de-evillize this victim and get him home. *de-evilizes and takes the victim home*

Alya: I can't believe it! Ladybug ditching the Ladyblog! Let me look up this interview stealing blog! *Looks on said blog* "LadyInfo: What the Heroes Want You To Know" Hah! This is by that weather girl at school too! Bet the only reason LB is doing it is so all sources are reliable and she trusts me. Let's see a video and check just how lousy this is! 

*In video*

Aurore: So Ladybug, any sites you want us to stay off of when it comes to hero information?

LB: Well I would say the Ladyblog, I used to endorse them but, I see the the writer is posting fake stuff based on some lies she has heard. I wouldn't recomend it.

Aurore: I see, well the next question i-

Alya:*Stops video and throws phone* How could she abandon me! I thought she trusted me! No wonder people started leaving my blog! Ladybug trashed it!

Mari: I'm back Chloe, now you can tell me about this amazing spa treatment-

Alya: Mari-trash you know Aurore, get her to remove the video trashing me and post and apology!

Mari: Why would I do that? I already am the guard of the class why should I have to deal with anymore of you problems? 

Alya: If you just tell Aurore how I feel about this you don't have to fight any villains!

Mari: *Malicious Compliance time * Alright *calls Aurore* Hey Alya said that she wants you to take off the video about the Ladyblog and say an apology for defamation. She wanted me to tell you, can you do it?

Aurore: I'm sorry but I can't, it was true based on the reaserch I've done so I have no reason to take it off. Bye Mari see you for the charity planning! *Hangs up*

Mari: There, now leave me alone. *leaves*  

*Tres Dias(three days. This is my way of applying spanish class) Later*

Mineta's Girlfriend(Hawkmoth... get better at naming villans. How did Adrien come up as a name when you name a person this?!): *Screaming who know what*

Lila: *In bratty brat brat voice*Marinette do somethinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggg.

Mari: Alix, Chloe come on, we need to evacate the school.

Alya: What about us? We can't go if this crazy person is in our way!

Mari: I have no obligation to protect you, remember what you told me three days ago?

Bustier: Marinette, you have to protect us! Your the role model and you have to set an example!

Chloe: She did that for three years, give her a break.

Alix:*Drags the other two girls* Ciao!

Moral of the story, if you rely on someone for you not getting attacked, respect them(and all others you meet)


omg I completly forgot Wensday I only relaized today! Sorry about that, I will try to keep up with the schedule. See you later kittens!

Word count: 744 words

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