I love you so I'll let you go(Part 3)

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Plot By: Kitty(Me)

Ships/Salt: Lukanette, Adrienette, Adrien Salt

Note: Master Fu doesn't have amnesia and Mari/Adrien don't know the other's identity

*True Love appears*

TL: Congrats Luka you will get a head start when I come to the next challenge!

Adrien: By how much?

TL: By however much, it takes for you to find the green spool of thread.

Adrien: But I don't have a single clue of where to look!

Luka: You have the scroll Adrien, remember what I said.

TL: This is nice but I have to explain the next challenge! You will have to decorate cookies! You will get basic sugar cookies and based on Marinette's taste you have to decorate it. Then I will bring Sabine and she will judge you decorating skills blindly. Now begin your work!

~With Adrien~ 

Adrien: Plagg what do I do! How am I supposed to find the green thread!

Plagg: I will only play detective if I get 13 wheels of camembert!

Adrien: Fine, just help out!

Plagg: I am only giving you clues since I don't want to be heard or seen. All of this has to do with your princess.

Adrien: Hmmm... well I'm Mari's first love so maybe it's where we first met.

Plagg: Then let's go and check!

Adrien: It's on the other side of town though... can I transform?

Plagg: No you'll be caught, now run!!!

Adrien: Ok, ok, I'm going. *Speedy boi runs to the school*

~With Luka~

TL: Ok Luka I'm going to check on Adrien now alright?

Luka: Alright then, I'll just continue decorating the cookies!

TL: See you later!*leaves*

Luka: Hmmm... I know Melody's favorite color is light pink so I guess that could be the base. *Grabs light pink buttercream* Let's see the other ingredients I can use for decorating this cookie... ooo these edible stickers look nice.*takes them* Now let's get to work!

~Back with the black cat~

Adrien: Purrfect! I found the green spool!

TL: Yay, yay, good for you, now go back to Marinette's house and get to work!

Adrien: Ok then *rushes to Mari's house*

~Here is what's up with Mr.Musican boi~

Luka: Ok now how did the baking show say to do it, um... like this?* base frosting is nice but has a few uneven bits* It looks fine. Now to add the edible stickers. *Adds some music notes and hearts as well as hats and dresses in a playfully yet organized manner* Great! Now to add the sprinkles *uses tweezers to carefully put pink sugar sprinkles* Now all I have to do is work on the plating and I will be-

Tikki: Luka we need your help! Ladybug was on a trip with her family and can't protect Paris right now! We need you to transform into Viperion and use second chance to turn back time to before Juleka was akumatized and make sure she stays that way! *Gives Luka the bracelet*

Luka: I'm sorry but, I can't do that. *gives back the bracelet*

Tikki: Why not?

Luka: I'm tired of Adrien not letting Marinette and me talk to each other, maybe now I can finally talk to her without him getting in the way. If I turn back time I might never be able to talk to Melody.

Tikki: I understand but can you keep the bracelet?

Luka: Sure, but what if Adrien or True Love sees it?

Tikki: Oh I forgot about that. Just say "Sass, camouflage"

Luka: Sass, camouflage. 

*Bracelet becomes invisible*

Tikki: True Love is coming I have to go.

Luka: K then, bye.

  *Adrien and TL come in*

TL: Now Adrien once you finish decorating and plating your sugar cookie I will get Sabine.

Adrien: Ok then.

*TL leaves*

Luka: I'm going to just a white plate with blue accents, it will complement the cookie.

Adrien: Mari's favorite hero is Chat Noir so I'll make it themed that. Let's start with icing,*Grabs green royal icing and frosts the cookie purrfectly* next I will add some green sugar sprinkles, *sprinkles a small amount of sprinkle* and finally, add a black paw print sticker. Now I will put it on a white plate with black and green accents. Done!

TL: Well then, Sabine time for the judging!

Sabine: Ok will I judge based on looks, taste, or both?

TL: Looks

Sabine: Ok let's first see the pink one.

*TL gives Sabine the plate*

Sabine: Ooo I like the color and playfulness! It represents Marinette perfectly! However, they could have been more even with the frosting, chose a whole theme, and should've used royal icing instead of buttercream. 

TL: Ok here is the second one.

Sabine: This one is inspired by Mari's favorite hero, I love it! I think there no major flaws with the cookie, it is the winner!

Adrien: YES! I knew those baking lessons would pay off!

*TL gives a small box to Adrien*

TL: Luka has one from the first round. You will need this for the last round.

Luka: Oh, this makes the last trial a tie-breaker right?

TL: Indeed it is!

Word Count: 801 words

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