Nathalie's Revenge (Part 3)

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Inspired by: Burd_01

Ship/salt: Gabriel Salt, Adrienette

Nada: I am here live from the Eiffel Tower with the new sentimonster, Dark Night! It seems to send Parisians to a state of sleep as well as give them nightmares! Most affected by it mumble about not wanting to be Mayura or Hawkmoth. Will Chat Noir and Ladybug be able to- *falls asleep* 

Ladybug: *flies in* It is really hard getting to places now! Thank goodness I was in the area!

Chat Noir: M'lady's right! You guys would be cats in a tree if I wasn't in the area!

Nathalie drives to the Effiel Tower and calls out for Adrien. Everyone tries to convince her to leave but she acts like she can't because of Gabriel. Eventually, a stream of light hits Nathalie's chest and she collapses on the ground. It didn't actually affect her since she made sure she had protection whenever she made an amok but she still pretended she was seeing herself as Mayura. Chat Noir peered through the corner of his eye and saw the unconscious body.

Then he did something unexpected for the silly leather heroine, he ran around the sentimonster, climbed the Effiel Tower, and jumped at its head. Then, he ripped off the ribbon on it and allowed it to crumble in his hand. Ladybug caught the amok with her yo-yo and Paris was saved for the millionth time. Nathalie along with others stood up, most of them unable to remember their nightmares, most of them.

~Time Skip~     

Gabriel: Were your suspicions true or do you still need the Miraculous?

Nathalie: I have one more part of my plan before I can confirm his identity sir but, I will no longer need the Miraculous.

Gabriel: Then give it, I trust you to reach your conclusion by the end of the month.

Nathalie: Of course sir *gives peacock Miraculous*

~With Adrien~

Mari: Kitty, do you have any idea how Mayura is doing?

Adrien: No, but I think Hawkmoth lost trust in Mayura!

Mari: Why do you say that?

Adrien: Normally, sentimonsters are accompanied by Mayura but, this time they weren't. I wonder why?

Mari: Maybe Hawkmoth lost faith in Mayura for some reason.

Adrien: Yea, do you wanna go on a date later?

Mari: Sure, we can set up a time through texting.

Adrien: Ok then, bye Buginette!

Mari: See you later Kitty!


I had a lot of help figuring out this chapter with the help of Burd_01 so thanks for helping me continue the plot! The picture was actually made bc she had a pun called baggabriel and we wanted to see what it would look like. I also made a picture too but I will show it in the next chapter! See you all later!

Word count: 448 words

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