Melody of Truth(Part Two)

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Idea by: Kitty(Me)

salt/ship: Lila salt, Lukanette, Adrien salt

~While the three of them where walking~

Luka POV:

I can't believe what Adrien did! He knew about everything and still sided with her! He also seems to be going along with Lila's "Marinette it jealous act". Why in the world would he do that? Does he know how dangerous it would be if Melody got akumatized, she probably would be unstoppable with all anger she had. I wonder why Melody didn't say anything about this? 

Mari POV: 

Adrien said to wait for someone to reveal her in the beginning and now want her lies to stay a secret! I knew he was sheltered to the point he didn't know right from wrong but still, he has to know this is bad. Luka and Juleka asked me why I didn't say anything about Adrien. I said I was worried about them being akumatized. When I first told Luka everything he looked so mad, it was scary, if he knew someone knows the whole story but still sided against me he would go nuts! I told Kagami since she can handle anger better now and I would've gone crazy if I didn't say anything. Some of my classmates already switched to my side and have tried to contact me but now Adrien is trying to stop them! He is really much worse than Lila.  

Kagami- Hello guys sorry I was late, your class was holding everyone up!

Mari- It's fine Kagami, also Viper and Jules found out.

Juleka/Luka- Kagami knew!

Kagami- Mari was just worried that you two would get akumatized and she needed to talk to someone.

Juleka- That makes a lot of sense when Luka came home the day Mari told him everything mom was scared he would make the ship rock too much and destroy everything. Then she ran off when I got mad.

Luka- That sounds a bit exaggerated but I understand, I probably would've been akumatized if I knew.   

 ~With Adrien and LIla~

Lie-la - Why would you guys go and ask someone if I was lying when they are against me! You know how much Marinette harmed me! Are you all planning to abandon me? *cries into Adrien's arms*

Adrien- Lila's right if we do wanna test her we can't do it with a biased person! Also, I know for a fact she doesn't lie! You all are being horrible friends, all because Juleka happened to trip!

Alya- We all just want some proof alright, I am sure Lila isn't lying but if we don't do this she might become an outcast! 

Rose- If she was telling the truth she probably would be ok with this. Lila, are you trying to cover up something? 

Lie-la- Why would I keep secrets from my best friends?

Max- Now that I think about it if Ladybug had any friends who knew her identity those friends would probably not even think about telling anyone. 

Nino- Dude all the evidence is against you if you don't do the test then it's just proof you are lying.

Adrien- Nino stop being so harsh! If Lila doesn't want to do it she doesn't have to. You all should respect that!

Lie-la - It's ok Adriboo I'll take the test if it means getting there trust back.

Lie-la POV: 

The only way to get my control under those sheep again is to do the stupid music test. ugh! Thank Hawkmoth Adrien is on my side! I'm just going to have to force the guy to make me seem like an angel and come to my side. Maybe I can use Mari-brat as leverage since the two of them are dating...

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