I Love You So I'll Let You Go (Finale)

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Plot By: Kitty(Me)

Ships/Salt: Lukanette, Adrienette, Adrien Salt

Note: Master Fu doesn't have amnesia and Mari/Adrien don't know the other's identity

TL: Now that you know that much it's time to explain the most crucial challenge! You will have to find a way to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower and kiss Marinette's hand(Your spells are specific True Love) and whoever wins will be her True Love! The box I gave you in the first round is a pair of wings (Adrien was right about being biased and let it slide, but even this is a bit much) that will help you to the top Luka! Well, let the challenge begin!

Adrien: What about me! How come he gets to have a power-up! How do I get up to Princess! (*Sigh* ok Adrien, even I can tell this is going to be unfair, I'll make sure you get something.)

TL: Oh don't lose your head, just use the st- Fine here are some wings. *hands a box* (See Adriens from other universes I created, the world ain't against you, you're idiots. UvU What type of wings do you guys think they have?)

Adrien/Luka: Ok let's do this! *opens boxes and wings come out and attach themselves to our contestants*

TL: Oh and one more thing, I'm gonna make the Eiffel Tower 100 times longer so you can't rely on the wings for the entire time. 

Adrien/Luka: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!          (Why are you surprised Adrien, Luka I get, but True Love has been treating you like trash for a good six hours now?)

TL: Well, do you want me to throw Marinette off the tower? GO!

*two hours later (They are almost at the top now)*

Adrien's POV:

Luka went by the stairs giving me a headstart! I guess I'm Marinette's true love since I am pretty far ahead. Well, I shouldn't this stuff like that since I'm not all the way up to the top yet (The jinx when it is nice). Oh, I was wrong, I'm at the top! Now all I have to do is pull a prince charming and kiss her hand, then we will leave I will get her somewhere safe and I can transform! Perfect. 

Luka's POV:

No, no, no, why is he winning! Based on what Jules said it would've been better to save my wings until half-way. Wait, I can turn back time by a few minutes and start flying! Let me just...

Luka: Sass-

Tikki: Luka no! The Miraculous are meant for good!

Luka: Well, you won't remember this sooooo, SASSS SCAL-

*Bunnix spawns and cover the snake boi's mouth*

Bunnix: Nope, not a chance. The only way I will let you transform is if you go back to before this all happened and make sure Juleka doesn't get akumatized.

Luka: *Nods head and Bunnix lets him go* SASS SCALES SLITHER *Transformation sequence begins* 

Well, they clearly thought that I was going to save the day and I wish I could but sometimes love comes first, especially when people do nothing but help others! Now I'ma get Melody and live happily ever after!

*Que magical turn back time with your eyes closed sequence*

*Adrien succeeding cause why not*

~10 of these said tries later~

Why isn't it working! Why can't I get her! What did Adrien do that I didn't! Maybe I'm not Marinette's true love... in that case, let's make sure this akumatization never happened!

*Luka opens his eyes while turn back time sequence is going on*

Bunnix: Great! The boy is always being selfless and giving to others chooses now of times to be selfish! I can see and change time, not turn it back! This is the hardest mission Ladybug ever gave me. Wait, it's happening...


Bunnix: Ohhh, this happened, ok here is what Ladybug said. When you open your eyes while using your special power you and I will be sharing this place. It is kind of a power-up but You can't go into the future, only the past. Oh your future self is coming

fViperion: Oh so I discovered the power-up then?   

Bunnix: The guy is getting his heart broken over a certain bluenette, I am not cut out to deal with lil-snakey over there so you do it.

Viperon: So will I get Marinette in the end?

fViperion: Well, I can't tell you but I can tell you this, Melody's true love is who she picks in the end! You are going to have to deal with these emotions and try your best to allow her to make her own decision on that.

Viperon: Ok, now how do I get out of here?

fViperon: Well in this case just close your eyes and it should be back to normal. Also, don't try returning the Snake Miraculous, you are now a permanent member of the team, but only use it if Ladybug tells you too. If she gets confused just explain this situation.

Viperon: Alright *closes eyes and ends up on his ship home*

ok, now I have to detransform. 


Juleka: Ugh, why is Adrien so overprotective! Why does he make sure Luka stays away! He is probably jealous, I hope karma gets him.

Luka: Don't say that Jules, with Hawkmoth around emotions like that, could really hurt people. If the universe wants Adrien and Marinette together then let it happen. Don't hold a grudge over it.

Juleka: I know but you're heartbroken! He isn't even being fair about it! Everyone treats it like something to be celebrated but it isn't! I don't know what to think!

Luka: Just be happy for them. If they decide they don't want each other then they will end the relationship but for now, we are only bystanders.

Juleka: Fine, I won't do anything about it...

Luka: Thank you *Hugs Juleka*

 Word Count: 977 words

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