Nathalie's Revenge part 2

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Inspired by: Burd_01

Ship/salt: Gabriel Salt, Adrienette

Note: // means thoughts

Nathalie's POV:

I sneaked into Adrien's room through a secret door on the ceiling to gather information. I thought I saw floating cheese for a second when Adrien noticed me. I was scared out of my mind! What would he do if he found out?

Adrien: Uh Nathalie what are you doing here also, how did you get here?

Nathalie: /Oh no what do I say! Act like everything is normal!/*In a monotone voice that has a slight bit of nervousness in it* Your father wants me to watch you since you disappear too often. As for how I am not allowed to say. 

Adrien: Um.. ok then, I'll be going back to piano lessons now.

Nathalie: Good*walks out room door*

Adrien: Plagg, you need to be more careful next time! She could have seen you!

Plagg: Oh calm down kid, she didn't see me. If she did she would've said something. Now let me eat my cheese in peace!

Adrien: *sighs* Fine Plagg you win. I should probably get to my piano lessons now. Otherwise, father might try to lock me in this house again.

Little did the two of them know that them talking was part of Nathalie's plan. When she left she was really listening in behind the door. Now she knew Chat Noir's identity! She knew that before she would turn Chat in she needed questions answered but she couldn't just ask him so simply! If she did that she would give away Gabriel's and her's identities. She had to come up with a plan but what?! What could trick the young model into giving Nathalie the answers she so desperately desired?

~At Hawkmothyies office~

Gabriel: What have you found on the lead?

Nathalie: Not much but there is a suspicion, I think it would be best for me to continue this investigation on my own. 

Gabriel: /Is she hiding something?/ And why would you think that?

Nathalie: Ladybug has an ally that allows her to change the course of time. If she were to find you investigating she would simply change time to suit her better. If I were to investigate she would be less suspicious...

Gabriel: Very well then, continue your research. There is one more thing I need to address.

Nathalie: And what is that sir?

Gabriel: I think it would be best if you give the peacock miraculous to me. It causes you harm and you aren't very useful. Finding Chat's identity wouldn't need the miraculous.

 Nathalie: For my plan to work I will need the miraculous, after that I will return it.    

Gabriel: Fine... but return it by the end of the week!

Nathalie: There is no need to shout sir, you might attract attention.

Gabriel: I no longer need your presence, you are dismissed.

*Nathalie leaves*

Word count: 462 words

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