Adrianna Needs New Parents(bonus of a sweet playdate)

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 Idea by: MidnighttheMeerkat

Idea: Hey someone, anyone, adopt poor Adrianna!

Salt/Ship: Nathaniel x Chloe, Adrien x Lila(ew), Lila Salt, Adrien Salt

~3 years later~(Sympha, Devri, and Adrianna are 10)

Lie-la: Adrianna! What do you mean they said no to your idea (I smell a Karen)

Adri: Mama, they said it was a good idea but it was too expensive, they ended up picking Sympha and Devri's idea. 

Lie-la: You're supposed to be at the top of the school in some way and your average in every way possible! You aren't getting any breakfast till you get somewhere in life! (correction, an abusive Karen)

Adri: Mama no! Please don't!

*Marinette and Queen Chloe walk in*

Mari: Sympha, Devri we're here!

Chloe: If you come in two minutes, you can help in Grandma Sabine's kitchen!

*Sympha and Devri come*

Sympha&Devri: Yay, let's go!

Chloe POV:

I can't believe I heard Lila say that! I will not stand for this! I guess the first step would be to tell Adrien, if he doesn't listen I'll have to take it to court. 

Like and sane person Chloe first went to Adrien just in case. Sadly, Adrien is a dense rock and said, "Lila takes care of her and can do what she sees fit". Inraged by this, Chloe got mountains of evidence and a year later took to court. Lila and Adrien were found guilty of child abuse and go a lot of jail time. They also lost the company. Adrianna was taken in by Chloe and Nathaniel and asked for her name to be changed to Hope. Devri finally got to play with her and a happy ending came. The end!


Sorry for posting late! I got busy with homework ;-;. What other names do you think would suit Hope? See you all later kittens!

Word count: 291 words

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