Bit by Bit

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Idea by: Kitty(Me)

Salt: Lila Salt and kinda Adrien Salt

Note: Adrien Figured out by using his brain not Ladybug and, when Mari almost tried to expose her Adrien gave the highroad speech

Mari's POV:

Ever since Lila came all she has done is lie! Everyone else in our class suspects nothing and even defends her when other classes point out her lies! Adrien is defending her even though he knows she is lying. He even told me to let her lie until "she sees she doesn't need to lie". At first, this was ok with me but, when Alya posted an interview with Lila about Ladybug on the Ladyblog, I decided to do something about it. Lila won't ruin my friend's lives with her lies! Juleka confronted me about Lila's lies and we made a plan. We are gonna ask questions and, slowly she will have trouble answering them. Then, the class will figure out on their own! 

~The next day(Sunday, class picnic )~

Lie-la: Oh Jagged and Penny were just the best! We went around the Eiffel Tower and then got ice-cream at Andre's! Andre had my flavors as peach for his hair and mint for his eyes. I wonder when I will meet my special someone.

Mylene: Hey that sounds a lot like Adrien! 

Lie-la: You think so? Well, we should ask Adrien before doing anything.

Adrien: I could go to Andre and see if he gives me an ice-cream that fits your description.

Lie-la: Oh that might take a while. He takes his cart all over the place and, it might be hard to find him. We could go on a date instead and you could tell me what you think. 

*Mari comes in*

Mari: Hey guys sorry for being late, I had to help in the bakery. What were you guys talking about?

Rose: Lila was telling us about her adventure with Jagged!

Mari: Oooo, where did you go? When was it?

Lie-la: I was at the Effiel Tower yesterday!

Juleka: Oh Mari and I were there yesterday too. It's a shame we didn't see you.

Lie-la: Oh I wish we did, it would've been amazing!  

Juleka and Marinette would ask seemingly innocent questions that would reveal more and more holes in Lie-la's stories. Eventually, the class started to doubt the burnet and confronted Lie-la about her lies.

Alya: Lila, are you lying to us?

Lie-la: No, why would you think that?

Alix: There are too many holes in your stories. It makes your stories seem fake.

Lie-la:*Fake tears* I can't believe you don't trust me!

Adrien: Guys, why are you doubting her? She has been nothing but nice to you.

Kim: She has but, her kindness could've been fake.

Alya: I'm deleting any of the posts about Lila on the Ladyblog until we figure out if your lying or not Lila!

Lie-la: No, you can't my- I mean, if it makes you trust me more... heheheh.

Alya: So Mari was right... Lila don't talk to us again! Your nothing but an attention seeker!

Lie-la: Fine!

Turns out all you need to figure something out are clues! At least that's what Marinette learned!

Word count: 520 words

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