A reunion of lies

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Idea by: Kitty(Me)

Salt/ships: Luknette, Chloe X Nathaniel, Lila Salt, Bustier Salt, Class Salt

Marinette was bullied because she called out Lila on her lies and a lot of the class turned against her. The only ones who stayed on her side within the class are Chloe, Nathaniel, Nino, Max, Kim, Alix, Rose, and Juleka. Mari and a certain musician got married and have a seven-year-old girl named Sympha as well as a company of fashion and music called MLC Designs & Music. The company is very popular and outshines Gabriel Agreste! 

Mari POV:

It has been ten years since I graduated from school and there is a reunion going on. At first, I didn't want to go but Lila posted saying she knew me and Luka and we stole music and designs from her! I kind of snapped and decided to go to the reunion(She also made a public post on the MLC account too)! I told Luka that I wanted to go and he was concerned but supported my decision. Sympha was excited to see her aunts and uncles again! 

~At the reunion~

Bustier- That is quite interesting!

 Lie-la- Oh yes Marcus and Lillian are just the best!

Alya- You are really talented to have done so much in so little time! I am really glad we keep in touch! I mean, you are in touch with one of the biggest fashion and music companies owners in the world!

Lie-la- They did it with my help! I often write songs and design for them, I even donated some money to kick-start their business!

Mylene- Wow! What do they give you in return?

Lie-la- I told them to give me nothing, they needed it more than me.

Adrien- Look Lila, there's Chloe with her child! I think I should introduce Adrianna to them!

Lie-la- If you say so Adriboo! As I was saying me...

~With Chloe and Adrien~

Adrianna- Hi my name is Adrianna! What's yours?

Devri- Oh hi my name is-

Chloe- Devri, I know you want to talk to other kids but you know you can't talk to the Agreste.

Devri- I'm sorry mommy...

Chloe- It's alright, besides Sympha should be coming soon!

Devri- Yay!

Adrien- Who is Sympha?

Nath- Hey Quennie so you wanna see- Agreste what are you doing here?

Adrien- I'm just trying to help my child make friends, that's all.

Chloe- I really hope Mari comes soon!

Adrien- Do Marinette and Sympha have something to do with each other?

Chloe's POV:

I can't believe Agreste! He lets Lila bully his friends then thinks the minute he sees us again everything will be dandy! Adrianna seems nice but she could easily be a mother's daughter. I wish Mari-Gold would come sooner this is becoming unbearable!

Adrien's POV:

I can't believe Chloe! I only told them to take the high road so that Lila wouldn't do anything crazy and it's there fault for not following my advice! Now she is being petty and being rude to a little girl! And who is Sympha! She doesn't even care to answer a question when I deserve an answer! 

~Mari, Luka, and Sympha come in~  

Sympha- Devy!! *hugs*

Devri- Symphony! *hugs back*

~back with the liar squad~

Lie-la- Guys look it Marinette and Luka! It seems they have a child, lets go meet them!

Alya- Yea lets see how far that bully got in life!

Lie-la- Adriboo who are you and Adrianna talking to?

Adrien- I'm talking to Chloe and Marinette.

Adrianna- Devri seems like a nice but her mommy won't let her play with me.

Lie-la- This could be slander for the Agreste! Chloe, you and Marinette let your children play with mine or I will sue you!

Bustier- Marinette and Chloe there is no need to start a fuss! Just let the children play together!

Mari- Sure you can try, but I have a feeling you guys are going to be the ones sued*hands business card*

Alya- Wait a minute, this is an MLC card! Are you and Luka the company owners?

Luka- Yes we are. Melody, I think we should leave, they already caused a fuss and we didn't even try to start anything.

Mari- That's true. Chloe, do you, Nath, and Devri want to come by soon?

Chloe- How can I say no! We have nothing better to do anyway.

Devri/Sympha- Yay! Can everyone else come too?

Nath- I don't see why not.

Luka- Sure! 

 Adrien- Can Adrianna join you guys, we may have our gudges but we shouldn't let them harm our kids!

Chloe- It's not your daughter we are worried about, it's your wife! We don't know what she would say and we want to protect our kids!

Mylene- Lila lied about everything guys...

Ivan- She's right, Mari we are so sorry!

Mari- It's fine but don't expect our friendships to go back to the way they were.

Alya- You guys are siding with a bully just because she made a fake business card! Unbelievable!

*Alix comes in cause she comes in late*

Alix- What's going on?

Alya- Great, more bullies!

Mari- Alix we were just leaving to go to my place wanna come?

Alix-*looks and sees tension galore* Yea that seems like a good idea.

Lie-la- Alya you are so sweet for trying to protect me! Adriboo those bullies kids are clearly bad influences so I say we don't let Ari play with them.

Adrien- You're the one who takes care of her public relations so I guess you would know, ok.

Lie-la- Alright let's go!

Alya- Agreed!

~In ze car with the MPS(yea the car can fit that many people)~

Sympha- Mama who were those people who called you and Papa bullies?

Mari- Remember those stories about a liar I told you about.

Devri- Oh my mommy told me about them, wait, are they the same people?

Sympha- They are! They are so dumb and mean!

Devri- It's fine Symphony, they can't harm people with brains!

Alix- Even seven-year-olds are smarter than our class! That really says something!

Sympha- Wanna play hopscotch when we get to my place?

Devri- Yea!


Hey guys, I have a really random idea! I gave Devri a middle name but never mentioned it so, you guys can guess it! Your hint is; her middle name is a color in the rainbow! What is the name of your favorite ship's child(to you)? 

Bye Kittens

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