Felix did not expect this

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Ship requested by; xXcheeryXx2918

salt/ship: Felinette, school salt

It's been a year since Marinette had gotten over Adrien. She still speaks to him as a friend since he was unaware of the crush and still is. When Hawkmoth was revealed to be Gabriel Marinette's class got outcasted and Adrien was bullied a lot. Ladybug and Chat Noir still patrol and help in stopping smaller-scale crimes. Chat in both forms is still in love with Ladybug and trying to win her heart. Felix on the other hand was miserable. He had to move to Paris since his uncle turned out to be a terrorist unable to care for his son and starting from tomorrow he would have to attend the same school as his "perfect" cousin.

Felix- Mother I see no reason why I can't be homeschooled...

Amélie- Nonsense, going to public school did well for Adrien so it can do good to you!

Adrien- Felix lets go! You don't want to be late on your first day of school!

Felix- *sigh* Coming...

  ~At school~ 

Bustier- Ok class today we have a new student! Meet Adrien's cousin, Felix

Class- Hi/welcome/you can sit by me/Adrien had a cousin?

Bustier- Looks like the only seat available is the one in the front next to Marinette(The seating changed), looks like that's where you will be sitting. 

Felix- May I sit next to my cousin instead?

Adrien- No you may not, you need to make friends. Mari here can be you first.

~At break~

Different class student #1- Hey new kid! Come here and hang out with us instead of the Akuma class.

Felix- They haven't done anything wrong and you all look like a bunch of idiots so I' going to pass on the offer

Different class student #2- You sure? Hawkmoth's son is in my class

Felix- "Hawkmoth" or more commonly known as Gabriel is my uncle and I would appreciate you not harassing him.

Different class student #1 & 2- Really dude... so your Felix!!

Felix- Correct

Different class student #1 & 2- Let's go before he tries anything funny. 

Nino- That was awesome dude!

Felix- It was dumb of them to insult you so I told them off, nothing special.

Alya- It sucks that we get bullied just because Gabriel was Hawkmoth, but at least some people like you have the decency to respect us.

~After school~

Mean girl #1- OK designer girl I will only say this one more time, you will make us some dresses or suffer the consequences!

Mean girl #2- And don't even try telling the teacher! You know they will always take the side of the richer student and right now that's the two of us!

Mari- Do whatever you want, you won't get any dre- Felix?

Felix- Is something going on here?

Mean girl #1- N-nothing! Just the three of us talking. We were planning to go to the Effiel Tower later d-do want to join?

Felix- With Marinette maybe, you two are way too shallow for my interest.

Mean girl #1&2- Ugh fine!*leaves*

Mari- Thanks Felix, how about you go to my family's bakery later. That way I can make it up to you for helping me!

Felix-*flusterd* S-sure!

Felix's POV:

I have no idea why I chose to help Marinette. Even worse, I feel all warm inside whenever I see Marinette. And now I have to go to her bakery, though that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I wonder how Adrien and mother will react to this. I guess I will just have to wait and see how that goes...


Sorry the story is so short, I actually never really seen or tried to write a Felixnette so this was a completely new experience for me! I wanted to leave it at a cliffhanger instead of a proper ending because I wanted to try out something new. What kind of story should I do next? 

Until next time, 

Bye kittens

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