What the Kwamis think(Part 2)

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Plot by: Kitty(Me)

Salt: Lila Salt, Alya Salt, Adrien Salt, Class Salt

~Adrien's home(the poor cat kwami is in for a ride)~

Adrien: Where were you! Do you know what could've happened during the time you were gone! M'lady might have been fighting on her own!

Plagg: Calm down, Sir Hissy the Third. Master Fu now requires me and Tikki to come to his place once a week! And it's not like you would be much help, seeing as you would abandon your friend without a second thought!

Adrien: Plagg, the only reason I said that to Marinette was to make sure Lila didn't become akumatized. She should've taken my advice. The situation she is in is her own fault.

Plagg: Justifying yourself only proves my point. Now, I'm starving! Where is the cheese?

~Mari's home~

Mari: What!

Tikki: I know it sounds crazy but you have to trust him.

Mari: Giving all those miraculous for such a long time could allow Hawkmoth a chance to take every Miraculous in the box!

Tikki: If we want to stop Hawkmoth we have to stop Lila Marinette, you know that.

Mari: *Sigh* Fine, but do you have a plan B if something goes wrong?

Tikki: We are giving all the Miraculous except the snake. If anything goes wrong we can use it.

Mari: Ok then, all we have to do is wait for an Akuma.   

~A week later~

A random Akuma: HAHAHA! I am Portal Opener(Hawkmoth is getting dumber and dumber with names and outfits isn't he?), and I will show you all different universes exist!

*LB and Chat come to the seen*

Chat: I would rather be a house cat here and not an alley cat floating in who knows what Mister Show the multiverse.

Portal Opener: Why you mangy cat! 

*Chat and Portal Opener fight while LB is going through with the plan*

LB: Chat I have to go get someone! Keep him distracted!

Chat: Sure M'lady!


Now according to Tikki, I have to go find Alya and give her the fox miraculous. I really don't want to do this since I don't know what she will tell Lila but, I don't think I have any other choice.


Alya: Really?

LB: Yes you get a miraculous for an extended amount of time. Are you up for it? 

Alya: You know I am! I knew Lila would get you to give me one!

LB: Who?

Alya: Your best friend, Lila Rossi.

LB: In civilian form and hero form I have never heard of Lila Rossi, Alya.

~After the Akuma~

LB: Rena and I are going now! Bye, Chat!

Chat: See you soon Bugaboo!

This would happen until the entire class had a miraculous(Minus the liar). Of course, they kept it a secret so when Lila tried saying she had one a classmate would easily be able to say otherwise.

Lie-la: Oh Alya, I'm glad Ladybug gave you the fox!

Alya: Yeah, I am too but, she said she didn't know you. If you didn't know each other how did you tell her to make me a permanent hero?

Lie-la: Oh she is just pretending! She doesn't want my family to get hurt.

Alya: That makes sense. Did you get a miraculous?

Lie-la: Oh yes, I have the dog Miraculous! Ladybug and I are currently trying to find Hawkmoth!

Rose: That is so cool!

Mylene: I wish I was that close to Ladybug!

Sabrina: Lila is lying! I have the dog miraculous, not her!

Lie-la: *crocodile tears* I can't believe Chloe got to you, Sabrina! Now they convinced you to bully me too!

Alya: What in the world Sabrina! How could you betray Lila like that!

Sabrina: I'm not lying and here is proof! Paws up! *transforms*

Chloe: Told you all Lila lies.

Alya: There has to be an explanation for this. Lila, what is your side of the story?

Lie-la: Ladybug told me she couldn't give me a miraculous since it would be too dangerous for me and my family! I didn't want to feel left out so I lied!

Alya: See! That is perfectly normal!

Adrien: I agree! We all should forgive her and, move on!

The kwamis were really mad when they heard this. They all went and gave. Adrien a piece of their wise kwami minds.

Wayzz: Chat Noir! How could you! Abandoning your friend like that just to protect a liar! You better have a good reason for this!

Pollen: Indeed! This woman can't do any good and yet you treat her like an angel!

Adrien: If she got made she would've got akumatized! She is very powerful and Paris would be in a lot of trouble dealing with her.

Plagg: That's it! Adrien Agreste, you are no longer a miraculous holder!

Trixx: Now that is out of the way, Alya why would you abandon your best friend?

Alya: Marinette is a bully! You all are defending a bully!

Rose: I think they have a point, I mean, at least one of them has to be a mind reader, right?

The class wasn't too keen on staying with a liar after that fiasco. They all dubbed the three of them "The Lying trio" and, did their best to ignore them. The kwamis went back to their box and stayed there for a long time. All in all, a happy ending!   


Sorry for posting a little late! I got really busy and didn't get as much time to write as I normally would've. If you could have any power in the world, what would it be? Bye kittens! 

word count: 931 words

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